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Canine Communication and Social Behavior

This article highlights the importance of dog training and behavior professionals being fluent in reading canine communications so they can understand a dog’s emotional state at any given moment in any given context, as well as be able to educate owners when a dog is experiencing a negative emotional state, such as fear, stress, or anxiety. Dogs often feel stressed or anxious in certain situations and will give signs to indicate their discomfort. In such cases, there is a need for awareness and, if appropriate, intervention to prevent pushing a… Continued

Stuck in the Mud

By Lara Joseph Mini, pocket and teacup are all adjectives used to describe pigs and are specifically designed to impart a certain image to any potential pet pig owner. What might one think of when one hears the word “mini?” ‘Something weighing under five pounds’ might come to mind, or ‘something that fits into a purse.’ While both considerations might be correct, when referencing a pig, they will only be accurate for about two months. What happens then, when the pig gets bigger than five pounds? Along with these misleading… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #5 – Meeting People Where They Are to Facilitate Change

Meeting People Where They Are to Facilitate Change Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Meeting People Where They Are to Facilitate Change. Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: PPG president Niki Tudge, K. Holden Svirsky – PPG Shelter & Rescue Committee, Aaron Jones – PPG Inclusivity Committee, Beth Adelman – PPG Feline Committee, Dr. Zazie Todd, Dr. Eduardo Fernandez,… Continued

PPG Advocacy Panel: Making Education More Accessible

By Susan Nilson The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel was launched in August and has already held its first three sessions, where the panel discussed How To Best Advocate for Positive Reinforcement Methods, How to Reach and Work with Your Local Veterinarians, Your PPG Advocacy Panel at Work! Advocating to Let Dogs be Dogs, Cats be Cats, Equids Be Equids, and “Being Nicer” While Advocating (links to all podcasts and videos below). Panel members to date include Beth Adelman, Kristi Benson, Dr. Laura Donaldson, Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Dr. Robert… Continued

The Bigger Picture

By Morag Heirs Within my day to day life as a canine professional, I am regularly asked for advice on cases where standard training approaches seem to be failing. In some of these cases, deafness or visual impairment is also part of the picture. The case* I will talk about here illustrates a situation where deafness is just a single component in the jigsaw puzzle of any dog’s behavior, rather than the main explanatory variable. * Note: All names and any identifying details have been altered. Case Study: Shep the… Continued

Welcoming a New Puppy – Ensuring a Happy and Successful Future Together

Welcoming a new pup into your household should be a time of absolute pure joy – he or she is a new family member after all, but sometimes it just turns into something akin to pure chaos, which is a shame. In many cases, the reason for this is simply not enough planning, a rash decision, or the heart ruling head. A new puppy is a living, breathing absolute commitment for, let’s say at least 12 years and, hopefully, a lot longer. So many times, I wish I could un-pick… Continued

Dog Parks: The Good, the Bad, and the Reality

By Rachel Brix The Experimental Dog Park at Ohlone Park in Berkley, California, which is generally acknowledged as the first leash-free American dog park, was created in 1979. Since then dogs parks have grown exponentially in popularity. According to the most recent report issued by the Trust for Public Land (TPL) (2019), dog parks “are among the fastest growing park amenities in the combined parks systems of the 100 largest US cities. There are currently 810 dedicated dog parks in the 100 largest cities, an increase of 37 over last… Continued

Building a Feline Behavior Volunteer Program…from Scratch

At Friends For Life Animal Shelter, keeping pets with their families is at the core of our mission. But Houston has a problem: there are an estimated 1.4 million pet cats living here (American Veterinary Medical Association, 2017) and very little behavioral support available to caregivers. We can’t know for sure how many cats are at risk, but municipal shelter data helps us guess that well over 3,077 local cats are given up due to behavioral concerns every year (City of Houston, 2020; Harris County. n.d.; Weiss et al., 2015).… Continued

Saving Detainees and Dogs, One Life at a Time

Our dog training company, Cold Nose College, has been teaching a dog training program at the Georgia Department of Corrections Colwell Probation Detention Center, a minimum-security, short-term sentencing facility housing probation and parole violators in Blairsville, Georgia, since July of 2012. The superintendent of the facility, Diane Hassett, had already partnered with a local rescue group and worked through almost all the red tape for the program’s approval. All that was left was selecting a dog trainer. I was sitting at my desk one day writing a training report for… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Tasha Attwood, Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes, Dr. Mindy Waite, Dr. Lisa Gunter and Dr. Melissa Starling

Join Niki Tudge and Denise O’Moore as they Chat and Chuckle with presenters Tasha Attwood, Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes, Dr. Mindy Waite, Dr. Lisa Gunter and Dr. Melissa Starling about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what event attendees can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Tasha Attwood, Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes, Dr. Mindy Waite, Dr. Lisa Gunter and Dr. Melissa Starling in our… Continued

Saving Detainees and Dogs, One Life at a Time

By Lisa Waggoner  “The rehabilitation of inmates requires a willing state of mind, a helpful attitude which insists upon finding something of value even in those who have devalued themselves beyond personal hope of redemption…guided by the philosophy of maximum value on human rights and dignity.” – William H. Lyle, Jr., Ph.D. The above quote is from Behavioral Science and Modern Penology (1973), a book of articles compiled and edited by my dad, Bill Lyle, with assistance from Thetus Horner, an inmate at the Tennessee State Penitentiary. In March of… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Sponsors Sara McLoudrey, Gina Phairas, Revell Horsey and Malena DeMartini

Join Niki Tudge as she Chats and Chuckles with Geek Week 2021 sponsors Sara McLoudrey of Decisive Moment Pet Consulting, Gina Phairas of dogbiz, Revell Horsey of PocketSuite and Malena DeMartini of Malena DeMartini, Inc. The Geek Week Key Sponsors will participate in Exhibitor Corners where they can set up their own events, provide videos and graphics, and answer all of your questions! We have a great selection of professionals who have joined us this year to support you and your business. And don’t miss our Exhibitor Sessions! Jump on our Zoom event, twice… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Dr. Lisa Radosta, Melissa Taylor, Alexandra Santos and Louise Stapleton-Frappell

Join Niki Tudge and Denise O’Moore as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Lisa Radosta, Melissa Taylor, Alexandra Santos and Louise Stapleton-Frappell about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what event attendees can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Dr. Lisa Radosta, Melissa Taylor, Alexandra Santos and Louise Stapleton-Frappell in our Geek Week 2021 Presenters Guide. To find out more about the… Continued

Building a Feline Behavior Volunteer Program…from Scratch

By Melissa Taylor and Alese Zeman There’s no way we at Friends For Life Animal Shelter can handle all of Houston, Texas’s feline behavior needs, but sometimes it seems like there’s no avoiding it. Not a single day goes by that we aren’t called by a desperate adopter, completely at their wits’ end. What’s even more alarming is knowing that the ones who reach out are just the tip of the iceberg: only a fraction of pet caregivers tend to contact behavior professionals, even though doing so reduces the risk… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Michelle Martiya, K. Holden Svirsky, Grisha Stewart and Jean Donaldson

Join Niki Tudge, Debra Millikan and Denise O’Moore as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Michelle Martiya, K. Holden Svirsky, Grisha Stewart and Jean Donaldson about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what event attendees can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Michelle Martiya, K. Holden Svirsky, Grisha Stewart and Jean Donaldson in our Geek Week 2021… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Judy Luther, Leslie McDevitt, Veronica Sanchez and Dr. Karolina Westlund

Join Niki Tudge as she Chats and Chuckles with Judy Luther, Leslie McDevitt, Veronica Sanchez and Dr. Karolina Westlund about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what registrants can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Judy Luther, Leslie McDevitt, Veronica Sanchez and Dr. Karolina Westlund in our Geek Week 2021 Presenters Guide. To find out more about the sessions discussed in this… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Emily Tronetti, Tracey Lee Davis, Michael Shikashio, Rain Jordan, and Nancy Tucker

Join Niki Tudge as she Chats and Chuckles with Emily Tronetti, Tracey Lee Davis, Michael Shikashio, Rain Jordan, and Nancy Tucker about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what registrants can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Emily Tronetti, Tracey Lee Davis, Michael Shikashio, Rain Jordan, and Nancy Tucker in our Geek Week 2021 Presenters Guide. To find out more about the… Continued

It’s Not Them – It’s You

By Andrea Carne Aggression in cats. It’s a sensitive and difficult issue for many cat owners and one that can lead to relinquishment or even euthanasia – particularly when the behavior is directed towards the humans of the household. In such situations, in my experience at least, the blame is often placed directly on the cat itself. I have lost count of the number of owners who have contacted me about their cat’s aggressive behavior, saying the cat is “wired wrong” (or called them various names which aren’t fit for… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Irith Bloom, Paula Garber, Julie Naismith, Suzanne Clothier, and Dr. Simon Gadbois

Join Niki Tudge as she Chats and Chuckles with Irith Bloom, Paula Garber, Julie Naismith, Suzanne Clothier, and Dr. Simon Gadbois about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what registrants can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Irith Bloom, Paula Garber, Julie Naismith, Suzanne Clothier, and Dr. Simon Gadbois in our Geek Week 2021 Presenters Guide. To find out more about the… Continued

Pet Professional Guild Announces Corporate Partnership with Zigzag Puppy Training App

OFFICIAL PPG NEWS RELEASE | LECANTO, Fla. – Aug. 23, 2021 – PRLog — The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) has announced a new corporate partnership with Zigzag, an all-in-one puppy training app designed to help puppy parents teach their pups core life skills using positive reinforcement-based methodology. The app will be available to the public starting August 30, 2021. As part of the new partnership, the PPG Canine Committee will provide technical support to help users with app navigation and FAQs. In cases where additional support from a trainer or behavior consultant is requested or needed, the puppy… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Dr. Laura Donaldson, Simone Mueller, and Dr. Holly Tett

Join Niki Tudge as she Chats and Chuckles with Dr. Laura Donaldson, Simone Mueller, and Dr. Holly Tett about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what registrants can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Dr. Laura Donaldson, Simone Mueller, and Dr. Holly Tett in our Geek Week 2021 Presenters Guide. To find out more about the sessions discussed in this BARKS Podcast,… Continued

Is Love Enough?

By June Pennell I would love to be able to say that love is enough to help a troubled dog. Indeed, perhaps it is enough for a dog without any behavior issues or a troubled background. Perhaps. But although the idea that you can help a dog (in this case, one who is reactive towards other dogs or strangers) purely by showing him that he is loved may be an attractive one, is it actually possible? I would say, “probably not.” So many of us (me included) would like our… Continued

A Life without Pets

By Fiona De Rosa and Fiona Warton  As the aging population of the western world increases, more people are finding themselves moving from their own homes and into aged care accommodations. This can mean that companion animals get left behind, with the new living arrangements unable to accommodate pets. At this time of life, it can be especially distressing for older people to leave not only their community and social networks, but their companion animals too. It is undoubtedly a less than ideal scenario, given that research shows companion animals… Continued

Stimulation for Psittacines

By Amy Martin Physical and mental stimulation is vital to every species on the planet. Squid, poison dart frogs, pigs, rats, cats, tortoises, spiders, jaguars, sheep, dogs, ferrets, parrots, you name it, they all need daily stimulation. Enrichment is a fundamental component of responsible, preventative companion parrot care. But how can we ensure the parrots we care for are getting enough? Vital For Well-Being Studies have shown that when animals are provided with a stimulating environment, they are less stressed, live longer and are better able to develop problem-solving skills,… Continued

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