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Why You Need to Know About Dog Body Language

Learn to Speak Dog and Teach Your Kids   Why You Need to Know About Dog Body Language Dog behavior is complex and the signals that dogs send are often subtle. The following is not intended to be a treatise on dog behavior. It is intended to alert parents to situations that could compromise child safety around dogs. Parents seeing potential danger signs in their dog’s behavior are encouraged to err on the side of caution and implement dog bite prevention measures (increase supervision and use physical barriers when supervision… Continued

Chat & Chuckle with Sandra Grossmann of The Feline Consultant

Join PPG Feline Division Chair Laura Cassiday and Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison, also with the PPG Feline Division, as they chat and chuckle with Sandra Grossmann of The Feline Consultant about feline nutrition and feeding cats. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click the ‘Play’ button below. Recorded on November 18, 2022.   Sandra Grossmann is a certified feline training and behavior specialist (CFTBS) through the Animal Behavior Institute and a Cat-Friendly certified veterinary assistant. Prior to working as a feline behavior and nutrition consultant, she worked… Continued

Before You Get a New Puppy

Are you planning on acquiring a new puppy? It’s a good thing you are reading this! We will guide you through essential information you need to make an informed decision. Whether you are a new dog owner or an experienced dog guardian, getting a new puppy is very exciting. It also comes with many responsibilities, such as research on: The breed that would best suit your household Finding an ethical breeder OR Choosing the right puppy from a rescue A qualified professional’s school to enroll your puppy for early socialization… Continued

Pet Training and Behavior Consulting: Licensing vs. Industry Certification

  This article is excerpted from the book, Pet Training and Behavior Consulting: A Model for Raising the Bar to Protect Professionals, Pets and Their People, authored by Niki J. Tudge, Susan J. Nilson, Debra A. Millikan and Louise A. Stapleton-Frappell (pp. 14-21). The book is available as a free download from DogNostics Career Center or in print from Amazon. According to Roth and Ramlow (2016), “Americans have always been rooted in the idea of economic freedom.” In other words, Americans tend to be of the belief that hard work… Continued

Dog Parks, a Closer Look!

Everyone seems to get excited at the prospect of a new dog park arriving nearby. I get it! Our mind’s eye pictures the many dogs running, chasing and having a great time! We catch ourselves with a gleeful smile at the happiness this visit will bring for our own four-legged loved one.     Dog Park Perceptions vs. Reality The first dog park was opened in 1979 in Berkeley California. Since then they have continued to pop up across the country with a call from dog lovers that these locations… Continued

Before You Adopt Your Rescue Dog

We will be digging into information current and/or future dog guardians should consider before they adopt a (another) dog.   Let’s Explore the Subject of How to Choose a Dog   You can use the following as a guide: Visit often.  Keep in mind, that the shelter environment is generally more stressful than the average home. Dogs who exhibit overarousal in the rescue environment might be calmer in a home environment. Visit the dog often and ask the shelter staff to take the dog to a play garden or a… Continued

PPG Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #15 – Top Tips on How to Network and Spread the Mission

Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Top Tips on How to Network and Spread the Mission Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format.   Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Division Chair Don Hanson   Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Aaron Jones of the PPG Inclusivity Division and PPG Shelter and Rescue Division, Linda Michaels, Kim Silver, Dr. Karolina Westlund and Monique Williams of the PPG Equid Division. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of… Continued

When Cat Guardians (and Their Cats) Are at the End of Their Rope, Bonnie Comes to the Rescue

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself, how you first got into animal behavior and training and what you are doing now. A: I live in Missouri with my husband of 20 years along with two cats, one gerbil and some fish. I volunteer at Wayside Waifs, where I previously worked for nearly 11 years as their feline care manager. I helped develop behavior and socialization programs to help increase each cat’s chances of adoption. I also love dogs! I love to travel, and most recently we went to… Continued

Pet Insurance – How to Choose a Provider

When we decided to purchase pet health insurance for Muppy nine years ago, there were far fewer options than you will find today. However, that means choosing a plan may be more complicated today. Then, there were fewer companies, and it was easier to find independent and unbiased reviews online. Today several major insurance companies are offering policies for pets as they see this as a financially lucrative market. Their participation could drive prices up or down. Unfortunately, how plans are marketed does not always make for an easy, apples-to-apples… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #14 – Dog Safety: Should It Be Taught in Schools? Is There a Public Safety Concern?

Dog Safety: Should It Be Taught in Schools? Is There a Public Safety Concern?   Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Dog Safety: Should It Be Taught in Schools? Is There a Public Safety Concern?   Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format.     Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Division Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Aaron Jones of the PPG Inclusivity Division and PPG Shelter and Rescue Division, Sam Wike, and Monique… Continued

Meet a Dog Lover Who Pursued a Calling and Now Creates Wonderful R+ Transformations

In our ongoing series of PPG member profiles, BARKS features Aaron Jones of AJ’s Waggin’ Train in Katy, Texas Aaron is a member of PPG’s Inclusivity Division and Shelter and Rescue Division, and he also serves on PPG’s Advocacy Panel. Q: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, how you first got into animal behavior and training, and what you are doing now? A: I am a graduate of the Animal Behavior College where I earned my credential as a Certified Dog Trainer. I have had a love… Continued

Upcoming Facebook Live Featuring Veterinary Behaviorist Dr. Lisa Radosta!

  Please join us Friday, September 30, 2022 at 3 p.m. ET – Streaming Live on the Pets and Their People Facebook page! In this very special Facebook Live event for pet parents, Dr. Lisa Radosta, Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist, will be discussing pet behavior problems that require a veterinary behaviorist for help. We’ll also discuss what pet guardians can look for and do in preparation of a veterinary behavior program. Why You Don’t Want to Miss This Free Online Event Lisa Radosta, DVM, DACVB graduated from the University of… Continued

What You Need to Know About Kitten Socialization

Are you fostering kittens, or have kittens of your own? One of the most important gifts you can give them is effective socialization. Socialization is about more than just introducing kittens to people. It’s about providing kittens with positive exposure to new stimuli: such as people and animals, environments, objects, and situations. Before I discuss the right way to socialize, I want to point out that the main socialization window for kittens is from two to seven weeks of age, but it can extend up to 14 weeks. During this… Continued

Shared Blog Post: How to Love and Survive Your Teenage Dog – and Keep Your Sanity!

The following article was written by Barbara Hodel for The Pet Professional Guild Australia (PPGA) in 2022. Did your sweet, adorable little puppy seem to turn into an unruly teenager, almost overnight? We are sharing this post because people can be surprised and challenged by the changes in their dogs as they transition from puppy to adult. And it can be a struggle for the dogs too! The practical and empathetic tips shared here will help you truly love and survive your teenage dog. An excerpt: They have forgotten their training… Continued

Pet Professional Guild Launches New Divisional Member Meetups

Free Bimonthly Events Provide Members a Forum for Mentoring, Education and Support INVERNESS, Fla. – Aug. 19, 2022 – The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) has launched free bimonthly divisional meetup events for its members. The events are designed to give members the opportunity to join in the conversation and ask questions of pet professionals and featured guests live in an informal format. “Our goal with the meetups is to provide an environment for topical and species-specific discussions and education while fostering a sense of community and support among PPG members,”… Continued

Teach Your Cat to Like the Carrier – You Got This!

Does your cat run and hide as soon as she sees the carrier? Even worse, does your cat scratch and bite if you try to force her into the carrier? Take a deep breath! There is a way to teach your cat to like the carrier.   Make the Carrier a Happy Place First, put the carrier in a part of the house frequented by your cat, so your cat gets used to seeing it. If the only time your cat ever goes into the carrier is for a vet… Continued

You Can Still Help the Animals of Ukraine Survive the War

Quick Link: Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine (Click on link to donate.) Latest updates on the Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine fundraiser A Letter from Dr. Marina Bayeva: On August 24th, it will be six months (!) since Russia invaded Ukraine. Six months with no end in sight! I cannot put into words all the pain and devastation that the war has brought to my home country. Yet, people of Ukraine persevere, coming together to help one another in acts of everyday heroism. And your continued support of… Continued

You Can Still Help the Animals of Ukraine Survive the War

Quick Link: Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine (Click on link to donate.) Latest updates on the Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine fundraiser Highlights for the month of July include: – local and international adoptions picking up despite the challenges – shelters preparing for the winter and taking on long overdue repairs – delivering pet food all over Ukraine and fostering new partnerships       … and so much more! A Letter from Dr. Marina Bayeva: On August 24th, it will be six months (!) since Russia invaded Ukraine. Six… Continued

Why We Should Give Our Cats Choices

A PPG Member Profile featuring Pet Professional Guild Australia member, Andrea Carne of Cattitude in Cradoc, Tasmania     Andrea Carne is a feline behavior consultant who owns and operates Cattitude in Cradoc, Tasmania, Australia   Tell us a little bit about yourself, how you first got into animal behavior and training and what you are doing now?                           I was working as a vet nurse at an animal shelter and became interested in how the shelter animals could be happier if we tried to meet their behavioral needs. The certified… Continued

Front Door Freakout

This article looks into a dog’s varied emotional states associated with doors and provides three strategies for training or managing a door-dashing pup to ensure they stay calm and safe By Karen Baragona If you come to my house, brace yourself. You walk up the stairs, ring the doorbell. Suddenly…the shrieking of a hundred banshees? Maybe an exorcism in progress? Or fiery-eyed, froth-mawed Cerberus guarding the gates of Hades? Nope. It’s my people-loving hound Huckleberry going freakshow crazy at the front door. Sometimes trainers’ own dogs can make people doubt our… Continued

Understanding Livestock Guardian Dogs

This article discusses the use of Livestock Guardian Dogs to protect livestock predation, with the aim of reducing and, ultimately, preventing a reliance on baiting, trapping and shooting of predators through the introduction of a more science-based approach and a better understanding of the breed By Erin Williams Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGDs) traditionally live alongside livestock in agricultural regions throughout the world. These dogs have been specifically bred to protect livestock from predation, and sometimes from stealing. Traditionally, and still to this day, they play a very important role in… Continued

Just Say No to Saying “NO!”

This article explains why shouting “NO” at your dog is ineffectual and counterproductive, and outlines what you can do instead By Karen Baragona It’s almost a reflex. There goes Rover, in hot pursuit of the cat, or gnawing on the sofa, or slurping at your dinner plate, or barking threats at squirrels…and we just need it to STOP, so we shout “NO!” Then one of several things happens: The behavior pauses for a split second, then resumes. Or, if you have a “soft” dog whose feelings are easily bruised, he’ll… Continued

How Your Donations Are Helping the Animals in Ukraine

By Dr. Marina Bayeva Dear Supporters, I am happy to bring you the latest update for the Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine fundraiser – both the big picture and the individual shelter updates. Highlights include: Animals finding new homes even during the war Expanding capacity by building new enclosures to take in even more animals Kitten and puppy season and the need for more spay/neuter access Delivering food all over Ukraine for animals on the streets, in home shelters, and beyond A brand new wood-burning stove to cook for… Continued

Rethinking Your Use of Canine Scent Knowledge and Skills

A few years ago, we hosted Dr. Robert Hewings from the UK College of Scent Dogs to present a couple of back-to-back workshops at our training business in Tampa, FL. One of these workshops was the five-day Canine Scent Instructor Certification workshop. To be honest, at the time I was eager to host Dr. Hewings and his business partner Karen for our membership, but scent training wasn’t something I was really into! I considered it a Canine Sport and given my time constraints and the fact that I already participated… Continued

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