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The Positive Bookworm

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Canine & Feline Experts Prof. Daniel Mills – Dr. Amber Batson – Dr. Robert Falconer-Taylor – Dr. Maggie Roberts – Louise Stapleton-Frappell – Suzanne Clothier – Karolina Westlund, PhD – Lorna Winter – Kristyn Vitale, PhD – Zazie Todd, PhD – Courtney Graham, PhD, Melissa Taylor, Dr. Christine Calder. Your All About Puppies & Kittens Event Sponsors Learn More About Your Event Sponsors Have Your Logo & Company Name Here – Sponsor The Event With Affordable Options Download the Sponsor Guide

Reasons to Join

  Professional Membership Benefits When you join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) as a professional member, you enjoy proud affiliation with the only international membership association for pet professionals who subscribe to the view that aversive methods should never be used—or even deemed necessary—in the training, care or behavior modification of any animal. PPG is a prestigious, recognized membership organization with international reach throughout North America, Europe, Australia and Southern Africa. It is an organization that stands up for what you believe in and backs it up with the latest… Continued

Inclusivity Committee

Lorena Beatriz León-Patti Your committee chair and a member of PPG’s Steering Committee Email Lorena Welcome to the Inclusivity Committee! Here at PPG, we are committed to being more purposeful in enhancing inclusivity and diversity within both our membership and the wider pet professional community. When we speak to diversity, we mean the presence of differences in race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, language, disability, age, religious commitment and political perspective. Equity is about promoting justice, impartiality and fairness within the procedures, processes and distribution of resources by our organization. Inclusivity is… Continued

Education Committee

Debra Millikan Your committee chair and a member of PPG’s board of directors Email Debra Welcome to the Education Committee! The Education Committee works on special projects where specific expertise is required. When working on a specific project or developing educational programs for PPG, the Education Committee convenes with the necessary skills and talent to complete the designated tasks. PPG’s Education Committee was instrumental in developing the Pet Dog Ambassador program with a team from PPG Australia back in 2015. The committee also worked with Nocti, a specialist industry credentialing… Continued

British Isles Chapter

Dayle Pierce with PPG Staff Member Phoenix Your chapter co-leader and a member of PPG’s Steering Committee Email Dayle Nathan Watson Your chapter co-leader and a member of PPG’s Steering Committee Email Nathan Tom Candy Member of PPG’s Steering Committee representing the British Isles Chapter Email Tom At its heart, the UK Dog Behaviour & Training Charter™ is a code of conduct, ethics and methodology. More than that however, the Charter is a collaboration of many of the UK’s leading behaviour and training membership organisations who for the first time… Continued

South African Chapter

Tersha Bateman Your chapter leader and a member of PPG’s Steering Committee Email Tersha We are delighted to have an official PPG chapter in South Africa. We promote and support all the great resources PPG offers to the pet training and care community. In addition, we are committed to providing relevant regional resources to South African pet professionals. Our goal is to create and support a force-free South African community that takes care of animals using empathy, understanding, mindfulness and respect. We also aim to focus on the mental wellness… Continued

Members-Only Programs & Events

Divisional Meetups Divisional meetups are informal members-only gatherings that are hosted by the individual divisions. They feature guest speakers and provide PPG members opportunities to meet, chat and learn about specific topics pertinent to that division. Meetups are held via Zoom to enable the use of Closed Captioning. The events are recorded for members to watch after the fact. If you are interested in being a guest on a divisional meetup, then please click the button below to complete a short form. The Positive Bookworm The Positive Bookworm The Positive… Continued

Pet Care Division

Niki Tudge Your divisional chair and founder of PPG. Email Niki Join PPG Today and Enjoy 25% Discount Off These Great Certification Programs For Pet Professionals Supporting pets and their owners is a shared function of all pet professionals, including pet groomers, pet sitters, dog walkers and canine enrichment technicians. If you are interested in joining our divisional team and giving a voice to pet care providers, please join PPG today then log in to your PPG member account and fill out the volunteer form. With your help, we can… Continued

Shelter & Rescue Division

K. Holden Svirsky Your divisional chair and a member of PPG’s Steering Committee Email Holden The goal of the Shelter & Rescue Division is to develop tools and resources to help support those who work for or represent animal shelters and rescues. PPG’s discounted Rescue Membership level provides access to all the benefits, educational resources and tools of a professional membership, including materials to share with adopters. As a rescue member of PPG, you get exclusive access to these popular PPG programs: You also get discounts on PPG’s Pet Dog Ambassador… Continued

Assistance Animal Division

Christina de Juan Your divisional chair and a member of PPG’s Steering Committee Email Christina The goal of the Assistance Animal Division’s is to bring awareness to the different functions and roles that animals play in assisting humans, with a special focus on the humane treatment and welfare of people and assistance animals. The division’s membership represents a broad spectrum of pet professionals with a variety of skills and interests specific to assistance animals, and is committed to developing resources to support those who need and work with service animals, therapy… Continued

Equid Division

Michelle Martiya Your divisional chair and a member of PPG’s Steering Committee Email Michelle Here, we focus on all things equid. In the above menu, you will find a host of helpful resources. At the top of the list are PPG’s Guiding Principles with amendments specific to equids. Under Equid Articles, you’ll find informative articles about equid management, social relationships and structure, and more, as well as PPG’s position statements related to equid training and care. In 2020, we rolled out a new project called Horses With Voices. It is… Continued

Feline Division

Laura Cassiday Your divisional chair and a member of PPG’s Steering Committee. Learn more about Laura Email Laura Cats are wildly popular pets, and millions of people worldwide share their homes with them. But sometimes cats seem a little mysterious, and many myths about their true nature exist. Did you know … Want to learn more? In the above menu, you will find a host of helpful resources. At the top of the list are PPG’s Guiding Principles with amendments specific to cats. Under Feline Articles, you’ll find informative articles about… Continued

Canine Division

Judy Luther Your divisional chair and a member of PPG’s Steering Committee Email Judy Here, we focus on all things canine! In the menu bar, you will find links to lots of nice resources on a variety of canine-related topics, from advice on how to find great dog trainers to puppy education resources to articles about canine communication and social behavior. The Canine Division is very active and participates in lots of the programs developed at PPG. Several times per month, we host a Chat & Chuckle with special guests via Facebook… Continued

Advocacy Task Force

Don Hanson Your task force chair and a member of PPG’s Steering Committee and board of directors Email Don The Advocacy Task Force promotes PPG’s Guiding Principles, Code of Ethical Conduct and critical advocacy programs—the Shock-Free Coalition, Project tRade, the Advocacy Panel and others. The Pet Professional Guild was founded based on a commitment to provide educational resources to animal trainers, pet care providers and the public, with an emphasis on building collaboration among animal trainers, pet care providers and advocates for mutually agreed force-free guiding principles for the pet… Continued