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Halloween Tips for People with Pets

Halloween can be very scary for our pets and very dangerous.

It is that time of year when many children and even some adults like to dress up in costumes that make them look different and often scary. They may also take on the stilted walk or the pseudo-terrifying vocalizations of the character they portray.

Think about Halloween and all the shenanigans it entails from your pet’s perspective.

Was your dog ever socialized/habituated to anything remotely like Halloween? Is it likely that they will find groups of people behaving weirdly and trying to scare one another a pleasant experience? You already know that the answer to both questions, for most pets, is a resounding “No!” Do your pets a favor this Halloween, and keep them inside and safe.

You and your children also need to be cautious when out trick-or-treating as you may encounter dogs that will find you frightening, which may cause them to bark and growl at you.

Tips for You & Your Pets

  • Sadly, black cats can become victims of violence and can be abducted to be someone’s costume accessory this time of year. If you have a black cat, please keep them inside and safe before and after the Halloween holiday.
  • Dressing your pet in a costume may be fun for you, but it is typically a very stressful experience for your pet. If your pet freezes in place or frantically tries to get out of the costume, they are trying to tell you to STOP! Other signs of distress include calming signals such as tongue flicks/nose licks, yawning, and averting eye contact. More intense signals might be barking, nipping, growling, and biting. Most pets prefer to remain “au naturel” (without costume).
  • Either due to guests coming and going or trick-or-treaters seeking candy, you will likely be opening and closing your door more frequently on Halloween, increasing the possibility of your pet bolting through the door to escape. A pet who bolts outdoors on Halloween may be injured or become lost. Secure your pet in a part of your home where they will be behind a closed door and away from the commotion of a party or the trick-or-treaters coming to your door.
  • If you are having people over for Halloween, ensure everyone at the party knows they must respect your pets and just “let them be.” If your dog enjoys their crate, you may even want to place them in the crate with a stuffed Kong or another favorite chew toy, far from the maddening crowd. It may also be helpful to play soothing music or leave the radio on in the room with your pets to help mask the sounds of your party and the activity at the front door.
  • There is a high probability of your doorbell ringing more times on Halloween than during the typical day. Many people disconnect their doorbells on Halloween for this very reason.
  • Any treat containing chocolate or the artificial sweeter xylitol (birch sugar) can be deadly to your pets. Make sure to keep all candy out of reach of your pets.
  • If you take your children trick-or-treating, I’d strongly encourage you to leave your dog at home, as they will be far happier.

Tips for Parents & Kids

  • When trick-or-treating, avoid houses if you hear a dog barking behind the door, see a dog at the door or windows, or see a dog tied in the yard or barking from behind a fence.
  • Never approach any dog, even if you know him. He may not recognize you in your costume.
  • If a homeowner opens their door and a dog is present, stay still and wait for them to put their dog away.
  • If a dog runs at you while out trick-or-treating, stand still and “Be A Tree” (hold your hands folded in front of you with your eyes looking at your feet). The dog will probably sniff you and move on. Wait for the dog’s guardian or another adult to come and get the dog before you turn away. If no adult is around, wait for the dog to go away.
  • Ignoring other people’s dogs on Halloween is best if you encounter them while trick-or-treating. The dog may be anxious about all the people and their costumes. Again, even if you know the dog, he may not recognize you in your costume.

Posters to Help Educate Family, Friends & Neighbors

Our friends at Mighty Dog Graphics have created this fantastic series of posters to help you teach family members, friends, and neighbors how to make Halloween safer and more fun for you and your pets. Click here to visit the Mighty Dog Facebook page, where you can print a copy.

About the Author

A man and a dog sitting together, smiling.

Don Hanson lives in Bangor, Maine, where he is the co-owner of the Green Acres Kennel Shop and the founder of, an online educational resource for people with dogs and cats. He is a Professional Canine Behavior Consultant (PCBC-A) accredited by the Pet Professional Accreditation Board (PPAB) and a Bach Foundation Registered Animal Practitioner (BFRAP). Don is a member of the Pet Professional Guild (PPG), serving on the Board of Directors and Steering Committee and chairing the Advocacy Division. He is also a founding director of Pet Advocacy International (PIAI). In addition, Don produces and co-hosts The Woof Meow Show podcast, available at The opinions in this article are those of Don Hanson.

©2023, Donald J. Hanson, All Rights Reserved

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