Chat & Chuckle
Niki Tudge
Judy Luther
Laura Cassiday
Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison
Don’t Chat & Chuckles Sound Like Fun?
They Are!
Chat & Chuckle events are live interviews with PPG members, notables, educational providers, corporate partners and anybody who feels they have something to contribute toward the PPG community in our goal of providing fun, informal education and topics for discussion.
Niki Tudge and Judy Luther host the canine Chat & Chuckle and corporate partner events.
Laura Cassiday and Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison host the Feline Division Chat & Chuckle events.
How Do Chat & Chuckles Work?
One or more live Chat & Chuckles are live-streamed to the Pet Professional Guild Facebook page monthly.
PPG members can join the events via Zoom. When you register for a Chat & Chuckle, you will receive an email with a Zoom link for the event. To register for a Chat & Chuckle, click on the event under the Upcoming Events section at the top right of this page.
Only PPG members can view these live events via Zoom. If you are not yet a member, you can watch live Chat & Chuckle events on PPG’s public Facebook page.
The PPG Podcast
Did you miss a live Chat and Chuckle? No problem! All Chat & Chuckle events are recorded and uploaded to the PPG Podcast within 72 hours, so you can listen to them at your convenience. Why not enjoy a PPG Podcast episode now?
Get in on the Fun!
Come chat and chuckle with us! It’s easy—simply fill out this brief form to let us know who you are, how we can reach you, and what you want to discuss.
We will then contact you to schedule the session.
Chat & Chuckle Events
February Feline Chat and Chuckle - Feline House Soiling Issues with Denise Johnson
March Feline Chat and Chuckle - Behavior Analysis with Susan Friedman
April Feline Chat and Chuckle - Emily Hall Talking About Adventure Cats