Podcast Library

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #10 – Recognizing Microaggressions
Recognizing Microaggressions So They Can Be Managed and Avoided Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Recognizing Microaggressions So They Can Be Managed and Avoided Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderators: PPG president Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Valarie Ross, Aaron Jones (PPG Inclusivity Committee), co-chair of the PPG Feline Committee– Beth Adelman, Dr. Zazie Todd, and Dr. Eduardo Fernandez Listen to… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Molly Neher and Jennifer Kolar of Atlas Assistance Dogs
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Molly Neher and Jennifer Kolar of PPG corporate partner Atlas Assistance Dogs. Atlas Assistance Dogs states its mission as follows: “Atlas fundamentally expands access to assistance dogs. We support people with disabilities to train and certify their own service dog using positive, ethical training methods. At Atlas, we believe anyone who would benefit from a qualified assistance dog should be able to have one.” Listen to the Podcast with Molly and Jennifer here on your… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Dr. Em of Vet Med Corner
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Em of Vet Med Corner to discuss research based information on all things cats and dogs. Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Em on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and click ‘Play’ below. About Dr. Em Dr. Em of Vet Med Corner is veterinarian, looking to share research based information for anyone wanting to learn! Check out her YouTube channel, Vet Med Corner.
BARKS Podcast with Dr. Marina Bayeva: How You Can Help the Fundraiser for Ukrainian Animal Shelters
The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) is supporting an important fundraiser for six animal shelters in Ukraine. In this podcast, we meet the fundraiser creator, Dr. Marina Bayeva, as well as supporting veterinarian Dr. Paula Klek and PPG’s Shelter & Rescue Division Chair K. Holden Svirsky. Find out all about how the funds raised are being used and hear inspiring stories about the animals left behind in Ukraine who are benefiting from your generous support. Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Marina on your choice of platforms. Or just stay… Continued
BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #9 – What Key Skills Should Pet Professionals Be Able to Demonstrate and Why?
What Key Skills Should Pet Professionals Be Able to Demonstrate and Why? Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on What Key Skills Should Pet-Professionals Be Able to Demonstrate and Why? Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Sam Wike, PPG Canine Committee Chair Judy Luther, Dr. Kristina Spaulding, and Angel Rowe. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #8 – When and How Should We Advocate for Outdoor Pets?
When and How Should We Advocate for Outdoor Pets? Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on When and How Should We Advocate for Outdoor Pets? Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Kristi Benson, PPG Canine Committee Chair Judy Luther, Dr. Laura Donaldson, and Dr. Kristina Spaulding. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. … Continued
BARKS Podcast with Claire Staines of Lothlorien Dog Services
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Claire Staines of Lothlorien Dog Services in Scotland, UK. Listen as they discuss bringing home a new puppy – the trials and tribulations…and so much more! Listen to the Podcast with Claire Staines on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and click ‘Play’ below. About Claire Staines Claire Staines is an accredited professional canine trainer, a Victoria Stilwell professional dog trainer, and a mentor and faculty advisor for the Victoria Stilwell… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #7: How Do We Advocate for Inclusivity and Diversity?
How Do We Advocate for Inclusivity and Diversity? Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on How Do We Advocate for Inclusivity and Diversity? Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG President Niki Tudge Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: PPG Canine Committee Chair Judy Luther, Dr. Zazie Todd, PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson, Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Angel Rowe, Ruby Welsford, Lorena Patti, K. Holden Svirsky, Dr. Kristina… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Valarie Ross from Sits ‘n Wiggles R+ Dog Training: February 18, 2022
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Valarie Ross of Sits ‘n Wiggles – Positive Reinforcement Dog Training in Cleveland, Ohio. Listen as they discuss gear, reactive behavior in dogs, inclusivity and diversity in pet-related professions, important cues to teach every dog…and so much more! Listen to the Podcast with Valarie Ross on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and click ‘Play’ below. About Valarie Ross Valarie Ross is the co-owner of Sits ‘n Wiggles – Positive Reinforcement… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #6 – What Does Pet Industry Licensing Look Like?
What Does Pet Industry Licensing Look Like? Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on What Does Pet Industry Licensing Look Like? Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: PPG president Niki Tudge, K. Holden Svirsky – PPG Shelter & Rescue Committee, Aaron Jones – PPG Inclusivity Committee, Monique Williams – PPG Equid Committee, Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Laurie Williams, Pat Miller, Linda Michaels, and Sam Wike. Listen to the… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Cynophobia Specialist Stefani Cohen: January 21, 2022
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with licensed clinical social worker Stefani Cohen, about cynophobia, aka fear of dogs. Stefani helps dog lovers and dog trainers understand more about the fear of dogs, as well as how to help both others overcome their fear. In 2020, she published her book, Overcoming Your Child’s Fear of Dogs, which is a step-by-step guide for parents based on exposure therapy using a live dog. Listen to the Podcast with Stefani Cohen on your choice of… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Dr. Karen Becker, Author of ‘The Forever Dog’: January 14, 2022
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther for a very special Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Karen Becker. Dr. Becker is discussing her New York Times bestseller, The Forever Dog – Surprising New Science to Help Your Canine Companion Live Younger, Healthier, and Longer!, co-authored with Rodney Habib. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. About Dr. Karen Becker Dr. Karen Becker has spent her career as a small animal clinician, empowering animal guardians to make intentional lifestyle decisions to enhance the… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #5 – Meeting People Where They Are to Facilitate Change
Meeting People Where They Are to Facilitate Change Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Meeting People Where They Are to Facilitate Change. Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: PPG president Niki Tudge, K. Holden Svirsky – PPG Shelter & Rescue Committee, Aaron Jones – PPG Inclusivity Committee, Beth Adelman – PPG Feline Committee, Dr. Zazie Todd, Dr. Eduardo Fernandez,… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Molly Kelsey of The Cat Counsellor: December 10, 2021
Join Niki Tudge as she chats with Molly Kelsey of The Cat Counsellor about feline enrichment and socialization…and much more! Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. About Molly Kelsey CVn ISFM AdvCertFB Since a young age, Molly has loved, and enjoyed being around animals. After finishing high-school she studied Veterinary Nursing and worked as a vet nurse for four years in a companion-animal clinic before moving into an administration role. Inspired by the ‘quirks’ of her rescue cat Frodo, Molly went on to… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Veronica Sanchez of Cooperative Paws Service Dog Education: December 3, 2021
Join Niki Tudge as she chats with Veronica Sanchez of Cooperative Paws Service Dog Education about service dog certification. Listen to Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Veronica Sanchez M.Ed CABC CPDT-KA is the founder of the Cooperative Paws Service Dog Coach™, an educational certification program for professional trainers. She teaches dog trainers how to train service dogs and how to incorporate service dog training into their pet dog training businesses. She also offers a variety of online courses on different aspects of service dog… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #4 – “Being Nicer” While Advocating
“Being Nicer” While Advocating Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on “Being Nicer” While Advocating. Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel includes: Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Aaron Jones, Judy Luther, Kim Silver, Dr. Kristina Spaulding, Beth Adelman, Monique Williams, Kristi Benson, and Laurie Williams. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Watch the discussion on Facebook Live. Recorded… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #3 – Advocating to Let Dogs be Dogs, Cats be Cats, Equids Be Equids
Advocating to Let Dogs be Dogs, Cats be Cats, Equids Be Equids Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Advocating to Let Dogs be Dogs, Cats be Cats, Equids Be Equids. Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel includes: Dr. Kristina Spaulding, Dr. Zazie Todd, Pat Miller, Kristi Benson, Helen Phillips, Holden Svirsky, Sam Wike, Claire Staines, Dr. Robert Hewings, Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Kim Silver,… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Tasha Attwood, Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes, Dr. Mindy Waite, Dr. Lisa Gunter and Dr. Melissa Starling
Join Niki Tudge and Denise O’Moore as they Chat and Chuckle with presenters Tasha Attwood, Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes, Dr. Mindy Waite, Dr. Lisa Gunter and Dr. Melissa Starling about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what event attendees can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Tasha Attwood, Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes, Dr. Mindy Waite, Dr. Lisa Gunter and Dr. Melissa Starling in our… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Sponsors Sara McLoudrey, Gina Phairas, Revell Horsey and Malena DeMartini
Join Niki Tudge as she Chats and Chuckles with Geek Week 2021 sponsors Sara McLoudrey of Decisive Moment Pet Consulting, Gina Phairas of dogbiz, Revell Horsey of PocketSuite and Malena DeMartini of Malena DeMartini, Inc. The Geek Week Key Sponsors will participate in Exhibitor Corners where they can set up their own events, provide videos and graphics, and answer all of your questions! We have a great selection of professionals who have joined us this year to support you and your business. And don’t miss our Exhibitor Sessions! Jump on our Zoom event, twice… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Dr. Lisa Radosta, Melissa Taylor, Alexandra Santos and Louise Stapleton-Frappell
Join Niki Tudge and Denise O’Moore as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Lisa Radosta, Melissa Taylor, Alexandra Santos and Louise Stapleton-Frappell about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what event attendees can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Dr. Lisa Radosta, Melissa Taylor, Alexandra Santos and Louise Stapleton-Frappell in our Geek Week 2021 Presenters Guide. To find out more about the… Continued

BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #2 – How to Reach and Work with Your Local Veterinarians
How to Reach and Work with Your Local Veterinarians Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on How to Reach and Work with Your Local Veterinarians. Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderators: PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson and PPG President Niki Tudge Your Advocacy Panel includes: Dr. Kristina Spaulding, Dr. Zazie Todd, Pat Miller, Kristi Benson, Helen Phillips, Holden Svirsky, Sam Wike, Claire Staines, Dr. Robert Hewings, Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Kim Silver, Judy… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Emily Wolf and Libby Felts of Summit Dog Rescue
PPG president Niki Tudge chats to Emily Wolf and Libby Felts of Summit Dog Rescue and the podcast, Pod to the Rescue. Emily and Libby provide us with an inside look at the newly created podcast, Pod to the Rescue. Whether you are fostering or adopting, the podcast was created with the goal of providing the rescue community with up-to-date information on dogs’ behavior and how to set your dog up for success. Listen for a special guest ‘appearance’ by Daisy the Dog – keeping it real! Listen to Podcast here on a choice… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Michelle Martiya, K. Holden Svirsky, Grisha Stewart and Jean Donaldson
Join Niki Tudge, Debra Millikan and Denise O’Moore as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Michelle Martiya, K. Holden Svirsky, Grisha Stewart and Jean Donaldson about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what event attendees can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Michelle Martiya, K. Holden Svirsky, Grisha Stewart and Jean Donaldson in our Geek Week 2021… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Geek Week Presenters Judy Luther, Leslie McDevitt, Veronica Sanchez and Dr. Karolina Westlund
Join Niki Tudge as she Chats and Chuckles with Judy Luther, Leslie McDevitt, Veronica Sanchez and Dr. Karolina Westlund about their planned sessions for Geek Week 2021. Listen as they explore their topics and what registrants can expect to learn from each of their sessions. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click ‘Play’ below. Find out more about Judy Luther, Leslie McDevitt, Veronica Sanchez and Dr. Karolina Westlund in our Geek Week 2021 Presenters Guide. To find out more about the sessions discussed in this… Continued
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