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Help! I’m a Dog Trainer, but I Don’t Have the “Perfect Dog”

In this article, the experts at dogbiz share tips for dog trainers who may feel insecure about not having the “perfect dog.” Ask dogbiz Q: Hi dogbiz, Last year I became a certified dog trainer, and I’m now building my business. The problem is—my own dog still struggles with behavior challenges, and people seem to assume I should have the “perfect dog.” It often leaves me feeling unsure and like an imposter. I know I’m doing my best, but how can I overcome this insecurity? Thanks, Emma A: Hi Emma,… Continued

Say Goodbye to Cash Flow Woes: Expert Tips for Managing Your Training Business Income

In this article, the experts at dogbiz share tips for managing cash flow for your training business. Ask dogbiz Q: Hi dogbiz, I’ve recently started my own dog training business (woot woot!), but I’m finding it challenging to feel safe about the money part. It feels like a big adjustment after having a regular paycheck for most of my career, and my income is now up and down every month. Any tips on how to navigate this aspect of the business and avoid getting cold feet? Thanks, Ryan A: Hi… Continued

When Kindness Hurts: The Importance of Self-Care for Behavior Professionals

by Anna Francesca Bradley When I first delved into the world of animal behavior over 20 years ago, there was very little, if any, emphasis on looking after oneself. The focus (and rightly so) was on clients’ well-being and doing one’s utmost to help both animal and human, and very little thought was given to the individual professionals who were throwing everything, their heart and soul, into that journey. Thankfully, awareness has changed. The Professional’s Role When I first thought about becoming a behavior modification and training professional, I did… Continued

Are You Stuck in a Social Media Content Rut? Get Unstuck!

In this article, the experts at dogbiz share tips for breaking through creative blocks and generating fresh social media content for your business. Ask dogbiz Q: Hi dogbiz, It’s only the start of the year, and I’m already struggling to come up with fresh content ideas for my social media accounts. It feels like I’ve hit a creative block, and I’m not sure how to break through it. Any tips on generating engaging content when inspiration seems to be running low? Thanks, Alex A: Hi Alex, Ah, yes, the constant… Continued

How to Get Feedback That Doesn’t Leave You Taken Aback

  In this article, the experts at dogbiz share tips for requesting and using valuable feedback from clients. Ask dogbiz Q: Hi dogbiz, I know getting feedback from clients can be a valuable way to improve my services, but I’m nervous about how to approach it. I worry about bothering them or receiving negative comments. What’s the best way to request and use feedback without making it awkward for everyone involved? Thanks, Charlotte A: Hi Charlotte, First, kudos to you for considering feedback as an essential part of your business… Continued

How to Book More Clients in Your Dog Training Classes

by PocketSuite As a dog trainer, you give your all in a session, whether you have two students or ten. But, of course, you want to fill those spots to make that hour count. If you want to land more clients for your dog training classes, keep reading! We compiled these expert tips to show you how to book more clients for your dog training classes. #1 Optimize Your Dog Training Website Your website is the first point of contact for potential clients. A professional website goes a long way… Continued

Pet Training and Behavior Consulting: Licensing vs. Industry Certification

  This article is excerpted from the book, Pet Training and Behavior Consulting: A Model for Raising the Bar to Protect Professionals, Pets and Their People, authored by Niki J. Tudge, Susan J. Nilson, Debra A. Millikan and Louise A. Stapleton-Frappell (pp. 14-21). The book is available as a free download from DogNostics Career Center or in print from Amazon. According to Roth and Ramlow (2016), “Americans have always been rooted in the idea of economic freedom.” In other words, Americans tend to be of the belief that hard work… Continued

Chat & Chuckle with Veronica Boutelle and Gina Phairas of dogbiz

Join PPG’s Kelly Fahey and PPG Canine Committee Chair Judy Luther as they chat and chuckle with Veronica Boutelle and Gina Phairas of dogbiz about their THRIVE! program. THRIVE! is an online program of dogbiz’s that provides group coaching and a supportive community to help R+ dog trainers and their businesses thrive. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click the ‘Play’ button below.   Recorded on October 21, 2022.

The Lost Art of Disagreeing Without Being Disagreeable – An Urgent Need

By Niki Tudge As business owners, one of our fundamental responsibilities to our clients, our employees and our stakeholders is to ensure that we provide a workplace where civility is not only a priority, but a deep-rooted, daily cultural norm. Manners, respect, consideration, tolerance and equality are all characteristics and indicators of a healthy and progressive organizational culture. While the mere suggestion of implementing a workplace training program on manners may draw sneers and seem like overkill, the reality is that rudeness is a workplace epidemic that can cost small… Continued

Is It Time to Have a Business Meeting with Yourself?

by Veronica Boutelle If you’ve ever had someone say to you, “Oh, you’re a dog trainer? It must be so fun to play with puppies all day!” and had to take a very deep breath, we get it. Running your own business, especially one that requires complex behavior work and client support, is a lot. Whether you’ve just started out in the dog world or have decades of experience, long to-do lists seem to go with the territory. The exciting thing we’ve seen in our THRIVE! group coaching program is… Continued

Ask the Experts: How to Break Up With a Client

by Veronica Boutelle Dear dogbiz, I pride myself on being able to work effectively with my clients, even when it’s tough. And generally, that’s what happens. Recently, however, I’ve been working with a new client and it’s become increasingly challenging.  There have been some scheduling issues, which I’m happy to accommodate (within reason). But after canceling the last three sessions, they’ve also decided to return to punitive measures and equipment I don’t use or recommend. Despite recurring conversations, I just don’t feel they are able to get on board with… Continued

Ask the Experts: A Little Bit of Magic

PPG corporate partner dogbiz talks dog trainer cancellation policies and how to make them stick. Q: Dear dogbiz, I need to learn how to stand up for myself when clients try to break my policies. I find it really hard to enforce them in the moment. I’m tired of being a pushover, but I hate conflict and just never know what to say. Any magical tips? S.F. in Anaheim  A: Well, S.F., I don’t know about magical, but I do have some tips. Before I share them, I want to say how… Continued

PPG Advocacy Panel: Making Education More Accessible

By Susan Nilson The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel was launched in August and has already held its first three sessions, where the panel discussed How To Best Advocate for Positive Reinforcement Methods, How to Reach and Work with Your Local Veterinarians, Your PPG Advocacy Panel at Work! Advocating to Let Dogs be Dogs, Cats be Cats, Equids Be Equids, and “Being Nicer” While Advocating (links to all podcasts and videos below). Panel members to date include Beth Adelman, Kristi Benson, Dr. Laura Donaldson, Dr. Eduardo Fernandez, Dr. Robert… Continued

Why Counterconditioning “Doesn’t Work”

By Angelica Steinker A common criticism of counterconditioning is that it does not work. While there can be many reasons why a behavior modification protocol based on counterconditioning fails, it is, in fact, almost always user error. Here are four common reasons that cause counterconditioning to fail: Lack of a Global Safe Zone Counterconditioning is only successful when the dog who is supposed to be counterconditioned feels safe. There are two basic ways to know a dog feels safe: 1. The dog is playful 2. The dog is relaxed It… Continued

Pet Professional Guild Announces Corporate Partnership with Zigzag Puppy Training App

OFFICIAL PPG NEWS RELEASE | LECANTO, Fla. – Aug. 23, 2021 – PRLog — The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) has announced a new corporate partnership with Zigzag, an all-in-one puppy training app designed to help puppy parents teach their pups core life skills using positive reinforcement-based methodology. The app will be available to the public starting August 30, 2021. As part of the new partnership, the PPG Canine Committee will provide technical support to help users with app navigation and FAQs. In cases where additional support from a trainer or behavior consultant is requested or needed, the puppy… Continued

An Open Letter to Animal Shelters and Rescues

By the Pet Professional Guild Geek Week 2021 “For the Love of Rescue”: Supporting Shelter and Rescue Continued Professional Development A day does not go by where we, the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) do not see and recognize all the hard work and emotional investment that you and your team put into rescuing, housing, and rehabilitating thousands of pets in need. Often this work is completed on strained budgets over many hours, utilizing hundreds of unskilled volunteers. Given the constraints many rescue organizations find themselves facing, the results and achievements… Continued

5 Ways to Streamline Your Business as a Pet Professional

By PPG corporate partner, PocketSuite One of the big lessons  for pet professionals in the last year and a half is that even a pandemic doesn’t have to tank your business. While many other sectors suffered, pet professionals benefited from the “pandemic puppy” trend,  which created even greater demand. But with health concerns at the forefront, the most successful businesses had to innovate and streamline to take advantage of the trend. These changes leave them well poised for growth as recovery begins. Here’s how you can follow their example and… Continued

Lessons in Empathy

By Kathy Wolff According to Wikipedia (2021), empathy is the “capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another’s position. Definitions of empathy encompass a broad range of emotional states.” “Hi, my name is Kathy, and I’m a Nervous Nellie.” At least, that’s the cutsie polite little name we used to call it when I was younger. I was someone who always saw the glass half empty, worried about what was going to happen… Continued

Case Study: From Reactive to Relaxed

By Dr. Sheryl L. Walker Of all my years studying animal behavior and consulting with individual clients and animal shelters, there was one case in particular that stood out, partly because it featured two incredibly dedicated guardians. Ironically, it was also one of my most complex cases. It was a case of canine anxiety- and pain-induced dog-directed aggression involving a young neutered male  named Gerhardt who had approximately six bite events between August 2009 and November 2012, beginning when he was approximately 7 months old. The environmental trigger, initially, seemed… Continued

Networking for Success

By Niki Tudge “More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject.” – Peter Drucker Networking is an effective way to spread your value through those around you. Understanding the basic mechanics of networking will increase your success in delivering the right message about yourself to others. In this post, I will cover how to create an effective introduction and how to make a great first impression. Creating an Effective Introduction Most people form an opinion about you… Continued

Behavior Modification — A Case Study of a “Difficult” Dog

By Maren Jensen Ph.D. and Angelica Steinker M.Ed. CDBC PDBC PCBC-A The Joy and Journey of Rehabilitating a Dog with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Pica, Separation Anxiety, Noise Sensitivity and Aggression Rumble was a normal puppy. He investigated, pounced and loved all. Rum, as he is affectionately known, socialized with confidence and happiness, starting at nine weeks. He learned how to learn playing games. Maren, his owner, is a dog trainer and dog sport coach. Everything seemed on track for Rum to make a spectacular entrance into the dog sport… Continued

COVID-19: 3 Tips for Dog Trainers on Adapting to the ‘New Normal’

By Susan Nilson Last month, the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) hosted a webinar with Anna York, BSc (Hon) PhD, Stephanie Perniciaro PhD MPH, Anne Wyllie PhD, Maikel Boot PhD, Chantal Vogels PhD MSc BSc, and Kayoko Shioda DVM MPH of the Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut and Dr. Hannah Capon of Canine Arthritis Management in the U.K. to examine how, in this time of pandemic, dog trainers, animal behavior consultants and pet care professionals can engage in best practice to keep themselves and their clients safe as… Continued

Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis

By Veronica Boutelle I have loved and served this industry for 20 years, but I have never been prouder to be part of it than I am in this moment. I’m writing this from my home office in late April while sheltered in place. You’re probably reading it sometime in July. I’ve no way of knowing, as I write now, what things will be looking like when you read my words. I feel fairly certain, though, that whatever the specific circumstances, we’ll still be dealing individually, as a nation, and… Continued

Surviving the Storm

By Gail Radtke  Looking back to March-April time, it seems like the entire dog training business as we know it pretty much crashed overnight. As COVID-19 started to take hold, decisions had to be made fast – especially for those of us who run a business at a physical location that is under a lease who realized we were not going to earn any income at that venue for the foreseeable future. Of course, we had all heard about the coronavirus and what was happening overseas but had no idea… Continued

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