Non-Aggressive Behaviors as a Precursor to Outright Aggression
Certain non-aggressive behaviors are often overlooked, yet can be a precursor to outright aggression if the dog is pushed to the point of no return. Colleen Pelar investigates the issues of escape and avoidance in the child-dog relationship. Originally published in BARKS from the Guild as Less Is More, May 2015, page 27. Is Avoidance Okay? Many people divide dog behavior into two categories: aggressive and non-aggressive. That is logical enough, but there are plenty of non-aggressive behaviors that indicate that a dog could still do with some help. If… Continued
Before You Share That “Cute” Dog and Baby Picture…
First things first. I didn’t write this with you in mind. Let’s not make this about your dog or your parental decisions. But there’s a problem with sharing that “cute” dog and baby picture. The problem is bigger than your individual situation, your family. The problem is that posting a picture such as the one above sets an example and feeds a dangerous myth. A myth so dangerous that people die because of it. Children, especially, are hurt, and sometimes die because of it. The myth is that good dogs, family dogs, your dogs–don’t bite. The myth… Continued
Lots Of Fine Dogs!
I have a friend who, no matter what crisis he’s going through, will tell you he’s fine. While shopping one day I came across a t-shirt that reminded me of my friend. The shirt had a picture of a cow lying in a field with her legs straight up in the air, like a dead insect; the caption read, “I’m fine”. Because we’re of the same species, we can usually tell when people close to us are not fine by their signs. Maybe it’s the way they talk or their… Continued
Remedial Socialization
I’m embarking on a new adventure in remedial socialization. I have a foster dog who is wonderful with other dogs, but totally avoids humans whenever possible. Sally is playful and sweet once you get to know her, but her first impression leaves a lot to be desired. Since she is reluctant to approach new people, Sally, and dogs like her, linger in shelters due to their inability to connect with potential adopters. I have coached quite a few clients through similar issues and have helped two of my other… Continued
An Open Letter to Canine Research Scientists
PPG Member Linda Michaels MA PCT-A calls on canine research scientists to lead the way on the ethical treatment of companion animals and take a stand against shock collars. It would require a long list to delineate the benefits of companion animal canine research conferences and live streams. Admirably, these conference bring canine researchers into the mainstream of the canine applied practices fields, i.e., dog training. Many pet parents and trainers take careful note of scientific positions and plan to incorporate the lessons-learned into their practice. The researchers benefit in… Continued
The Nose Knows
A well-known test devised in 1970 by psychologist Gordon Gallup Jr. is used to determine whether an animal recognizes himself in a mirror. This “mirror test” is widely regarded as the “gold standard” for determining whether an animal is self-aware, that is, recognizes himself as a distinct individual and has a concept of self. This test may very well do that — sometimes, for some animals. Chimpanzees and some other primates pass easily; elephants and dolphins also pass. Most dogs do not, and, for many scientists, this is held up… Continued
Why Self-Control is Better than “Discipline”
The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘discipline’ as: ‘The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.’ The word ‘discipline’ not only carries with it the baggage of “force” and “dominance,” but also a hint of worthiness. And yet, ‘that dog needs discipline’ is a phrase we may still hear on a regular basis. ‘That dog needs to be taught some self-discipline’ is a lot more appropriate because it drops the implications of punishment. The definition of ‘self-discipline’ is: ‘The ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses.’ Discipline… Continued
The Psychological Contract – A System of Beliefs That Needs to Be Articulated to Your Client
Written by Niki Tudge Copyright 2015 When you embark on a consulting or training relationship you should first ensure you have a professional consulting contract with your client. As a professional working with animals there are multiple liability risks open to you. Most of these liabilities will stem from one of three areas. If, as a trainer, you are negligent and do not take reasonable measures to prevent a foreseeable injury from occurring during your contract period, then you are liable. You can also be found liable if you violate… Continued
Tired Dogs, Good Dogs, Dogs Being Dogs
“How much exercise does my dog need?” This question sounds straightforward enough, but peel it apart and you’ll find it has several layers. Inquiring dog owners crave reassurance that they’re doing right by their dogs, meeting their needs. Also embedded in the query may be “I love my dog but…how can I get her to leave me alone when I’m trying to relax?” And sometimes, let’s be honest because we’ve all been there, it’s a plea for a manageable minimum investment of time: “Life is crazy busy, and I don’t want… Continued
Six Myths about Positive Reinforcement-Based Training
Positive reinforcement-based training is subject to a lot of misunderstanding and misrepresentation. Many people genuinely don’t understand how it works, and others seem to deliberately misrepresent it. Some of these misunderstandings and misrepresentations are very “sticky.” Misunderstandings, straw men, myths–call them what you will, but they are out there and they are potent. Here are six that are quite common. There are many more out there. For example, I didn’t even hit on “dogs trained with R+ are obese” or “R+ training only works for tricks and easy dogs” or “R+… Continued
Sheepherding, from the Lamb’s Perspective (Part Two)
Following my first interview with the lambs I was intrigued and felt even more determined to understand the experience of sheepherding from their perspective, so the next time Renee brought Chris and Rue to practice I went into covert “sheep mode” and joined the flock. Oh, I did not don a silly lamb outfit. It was much too hot for that. I maintained a low profile and did my best to blend among the lambs wearing a white t-shirt to match their fleece, and khaki shorts to match the sunburned… Continued
Laying the Foundations
This article was written by Barb Levenson and first published in BARKS from the Guild, July 2014, pp. 24-26. I was attending an agility trial recently and was sitting by the crating area massaging my dog. A couple sitting behind me had two Labradors, the older one their agility competition dog. This dog was allowed to be loose on his mat, unleashed and uncrated. I turned around to see him with his back to his owner and his nose in the rear of a nearby dog. The man called the… Continued
BARKS Podcasts – Teach Me Force-Free
Teach Me Force-Free If you’re gonna teach me, teach me force-free People can be good and kind and that’s a great philosophy I can flourish, I can learn if you’ll just help me Show me, guide me, be my friend and train me happy I can be the best dog I can be if you believe in me And if you’re gonna teach me, teach me force-free If you’re gonna teach me, teach me force-free. © Maria Daines/Paul Killington Written and recorded for The Pet Professional Guild
Can you FIX my dog?
When clients contact me, they often ask, “Can you fix my dog?” It has become something I smile about now, but nonetheless a pet peeve. There’s nothing wrong with the word itself, but let’s take a look at it applied to a living, breathing animal. Used as a verb to FIX something by definition is to fasten (something) securely in a particular place or position and that is not something to do with dogs, although I am sure your imagination can give a quick picture of what that might look… Continued
How Best Not to Catch a Loose Dog
Stolen dogs are constantly in the news at the moment. Losing a dog is not always because someone has taken him, however. He may have simply run off and become lost or have been stolen then dumped. He may have escaped from the yard, something may have spooked him on a walk or he may simply have been on a chase and ignored all your shouts for him to come back. Remember the Fenton YouTube clip that went viral? People laughed, but it wasn’t really funny. What is the best thing… Continued
What’s In A Name?
What’s in a name? “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” William Shakespeare was right when he penned those words to his classic play over 400 years ago because regardless of what you call a rose, it won’t change its intoxicating scent. But what about other labels? Unfortunately when it comes to our dogs, cats and other domestic animals, what we call them may very well define our relationship with them and quite possible influence laws that need to protect them from abuse.… Continued
Provide for Your Pet’s Care in an Emergency
One of the saddest things I see at the shelter is pets whose owners have passed away and left no provision for them in their wills. These pets are heartbroken and confused. I’m sure their owners would be devastated to know their beloved friend is pining in the animal shelter. If you love your pet, it is well worth your time to be sure your companion will be cared for in the event of illness or death. It is a good idea to have plans for an emergency as well… Continued
Very Clear on the Concept
Jana started learning concepts and putting things into categories way back when she was a puppy, before Chaser was even born. Chaser is the most famous “categorizing” dog; she has learned the names of well over 1,000 items and can group them into the right categories: toys, balls, Frisbees, etc. In addition, she has demonstrated an understanding of grammar, correctly taking one item to another, for example. She also can watch, remember, and imitate complex strings of behaviors. Chaser’s story is told in Chaser: Unlocking the Genius of the Dog Who… Continued
How Force-Free Training Helped Save My Dog’s Life!
Written by Louise Stapleton-Frappell Yesterday I shared a post on Facebook about Pamela Johnson’s “Rattlesnake Avoidance Training Using Force-Free Methods,” a Pet Professional Guild webinar. (You can register and watch the webinar here). Last night we had a thunderstorm and my Staffy bull terrier, Jambo, was frightened so I stayed up with him. The storm finally passed and at 2am I took him and Tessa, our German shepherd, outside for a bathroom break. There was a toad at the bottom of the steps but unfortunately, I didn’t see it until Jambo made contact. As a… Continued
PPG World Service Radio Show Launches with Trial Podcast
PPG World Service is the official international e-Radio web-casting arm of The Pet Professional Guild. The mission of PPG World Service is “Global News & Views on Force-Free Pet Care” and will serve as an advocacy forum for force-free dog training and pet care issues. The PPG World Service broadcast will initially be aired once per month with the goal of increasing this frequency as the audience builds. Together we are hoping to create a fun, educational and informative show. So come along and join us, bring your questions, expertise… Continued
Positive Reinforcement Training Tips
They don’t call them “man’s best friend” for nothing! Domestic dogs have for thousands of years lived with humans in various capacities, from aiding in hunting to protecting livestock. In order to perform these functions, dogs learned to communicate with people and perform as their owners wished. Dogs are highly sensitive and responsive animals. They can tell when their owners are happy, sad, or nervous, and they may express these emotions themselves. Because dogs do have feelings, and intelligence that may be compared to that of a toddler (some breeds… Continued
Sheepherding, from the Lamb’s Perspective (Part One)
Sheep herding is a wonderful way for a handler and a dog to work together as a team in a time-honored tradition going back hundreds of years. Herding is the process of moving livestock by using a dog, such as a border collie. It requires close coordination between the handler and dog, moving the sheep in an orderly and predictable manner to the desired location. I once read “sheep herding is a dialogue of instinct occurring between dog and sheep” but I suspect that was written by someone who was… Continued
“Be NICE!”
If I’m a dog, and I’m on a leash, and another dog invades my space, I’m gonna growl. That’s just how I feel. Back the heck off, pal! I can’t get away from you, on account of I’m on a leash! That means you need to get away from me. Please and thank you. Plain and simple. So how come my person chides me and snaps, “Be NICE!” What?! I am nice. I just don’t want this guy all up in my business. How about my person could be nice and get… Continued
Taming the Beast
Written by Diane Garrod BSc, this article was originally published in BARKS from the Guild, June 2014. Managing an aggressive dog is a permanent commitment but it is most definitely possible. Owning an aggressive dog creates immediate liability. It is critical to use prevention and management whether your dog is at home, in the car or out on a walk. Managing an aggressive dog should be taken very seriously. It means making a clear commitment which involves never putting him in a situation where he will aggress again. This sounds… Continued
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