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Sniff for Calm and So Much More!

Congratulations to Kris Whipple! This post won first prize in the 2022 Canine Scent Writing Competition. Of all the canine behaviors that I teach, calm is the most valuable. Calm dogs are less likely to bark, jump, mouth, lunge, pull or engage in other challenging behaviors that come with overexcitement. For me and my dog Sprig, an exuberant adolescent Cardigan Welsh corgi who thinks every day (and experience, dogand person) is his best day EVER, sniffing has become a positive and powerful tool I use daily to promote calm behaviors… Continued

Dog Speak: The Language of Barking

At a recent public event I attended, the question asked most by companion dog owners was, “How do I get my dog to stop barking?” As professionals, of course, the first thing we want to do is ask more questions. “When does the dog bark?”, “What time of day?”, “What are they barking at?”, “What are they getting out of it?”, “What do you do when they bark?”, “What do you want them to do instead?” and so on. We can all think of people who talk too much yet no… Continued

A Note From Your New Editor

Hello! My name is Paula Garber, and I’m the new editor of BARKS from the Guild! I wanted to take a moment to say hello and introduce myself. I started my professional cat training and behavior consulting career in 2014, when I launched my business, LIFELINE Cat Behavior Solutions. Before studying animal behavior, I worked as a freelance editorial professional in the publishing and education industries for more than 25 years. I’ve been a proud member of the Pet Professional Guild since 2015 and was the chair of PPG’s Feline… Continued

Socializing Puppies to Other Animals

Dog guardians these days tend to be fairly aware of the crucial importance of socialization. These include the interactions a young puppy will have with people in his/her immediate family, people outside the family, and people of all different ages and appearances, wearing all sorts of strange outfits, carrying various novel objects (such as umbrellas or suitcases) etc. Guardians are often also aware of habituation. This means ensuring that the puppy begins to experience all sorts of adventures in her formative weeks and months that she will encounter in adult… Continued

BARKS Podcast with Dr Robert and Karen Hewings

Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee Chair Judy Luther to Chat & Chuckle with Dr. Robert and Karen Hewings. Learn all about the upcoming PPG Scent Fest events: Your Scent & Scentability 3-Day Workshop Event – Scent Work for practical training and behavior solutions, Nov. 2-4, 2022 Beyond The Basics of Canine Scent – Introducing Advanced Detection & Handling Skills, Nov. 5-6, 2022 Discover what will be covered and how much fun it will be! Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Robert and Karen Hewings here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on… Continued

You Can Still Help the Animals of Ukraine Survive the War

Quick Link: Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine (Click on link to donate.) Latest updates on the Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine fundraiser A Letter from Dr. Marina Bayeva: On August 24th, it will be six months (!) since Russia invaded Ukraine. Six months with no end in sight! I cannot put into words all the pain and devastation that the war has brought to my home country. Yet, people of Ukraine persevere, coming together to help one another in acts of everyday heroism. And your continued support of… Continued

Pet Professional Guild Appoints New Editor of BARKS from the Guild

INVERNESS, Fla. – Aug. 3, 2022 – PRLog — The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) has appointed New York-based cat behavior consultant Paula Garber as editor of its trade publication BARKS from the Guild effective August 5, 2022. She replaces Susan Nilson, who served as editor and was a member of the PPG Steering Committee from March 2014 to July 2022. “On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Pet Professional Guild, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Susan for her many years of contribution. We greatly appreciate her services during the ‘growing’ years… Continued

The Impact of Canine DNA Testing: Mapping the Future

In May 2016, Embark launched its comprehensive pet genetic test in partnership with the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. According to Embark’s website, the test will track “over 200,000 genetic markers, offering ancestry analysis as well as an extensive overview of both genetic disease risk and heritable traits, allowing users to understand their dog’s health, plan for his future and provide the best personalized care possible.” Embark further states that “four out of 10 dogs will suffer from inherited diseases,” and that the test, more than just a breed… Continued

Why We Should Give Our Cats Choices

A PPG Member Profile featuring Pet Professional Guild Australia member, Andrea Carne of Cattitude in Cradoc, Tasmania     Andrea Carne is a feline behavior consultant who owns and operates Cattitude in Cradoc, Tasmania, Australia   Tell us a little bit about yourself, how you first got into animal behavior and training and what you are doing now?                           I was working as a vet nurse at an animal shelter and became interested in how the shelter animals could be happier if we tried to meet their behavioral needs. The certified… Continued

Setting Your Dog Up for Success

This article reviews the just-published Do No Harm Dog Training and Behavior Handbook by Linda Michaels   By Katherine Porter From pet parents to pet professionals, rejoice for a new paradigm in dog training behavior modification! The Do No Harm Dog Training and Behavior Handbook by Linda Michaels is groundbreaking. As the primary starting point, Michaels synthesizes scientific research into practical guidance in addressing our pet dogs’ behavior concerns through meeting our dogs’ real needs. She peels back the layers of understanding, not only how our beloved dogs learn, but… Continued

Ask the Experts: Children and Dog Training

This article provides advice on how to keep young children engaged in the family dog training process By Veronica Boutelle   Q: Dear dogbiz, I love working with different clients and figuring out what best fits their learning style. Yet I always feel a bit stumped when working with young children! Recently I had a session with a family and their new puppy to address some biting and mouthing issues. While the children were excited to be there, they were easily distracted and I didn’t feel my explanations were really landing.… Continued

Exploring Uncomfortable Truths

This article discusses why the equestrian world has much work to do if it is ever going to grant horses the same sentiency which UK law now states they are entitled to have By Melanie Watson I’ve been mulling over a recent experience of being harassed online. The person involved tried very hard to put me down, blasting me with their immovable opinions, over and over again. The thing which worried me the most, was the inflexibility of his views. His hard held beliefs would not allow any sway into… Continued

What If My Dog Doesn’t Like You?

This article sets out steps you can take to help ensure a smooth introduction between your human-reactive dog and your new partner, as well as their extended family By Gail Radtke Sudden life changes can bring both many rewards and challenges. I’ve had the opportunity the past few years to share my experiences by writing about the journey that my three dogs and I have been on. This experience is a deeply personal one that I felt I really needed to share, as I am sure there are many people… Continued

Hunting the Elusive Red Dot

This article examines a recent study that explores the downside of laser light pointers in feline play and outlines alternative toy and puzzle choices to ensure cats have the opportunity to complete the hunting sequence By Andrea Carne Laser light pointers are commonly found in pet stores and veterinary clinics worldwide. They remain an extremely popular toy with cat owners of all age. And yet, many cat behavior consultants generally discourage the use of them. Why? Well, the simple answer lies in the idea that the incessant chasing of the… Continued

Naughty Dog Syndrome? Say What?!

This article discusses reasons why owners may think that their dog is being ‘naughty’ when, in fact, a better understanding of the dog’s emotional state, breed instincts, and motivation is required By Anna Bradley I’m sure there are lots of dog training professionals have heard the phrase ‘Naughty Dog Syndrome’ many times, only to take a deep breath before calmly explaining the inaccuracies of such a statement. The word ‘naughty’ suggests that behavior is negative, inappropriate, willfully disobedient, bad, certainly undesirable, or noncompliant. It’s a label that is very easily… Continued

Front Door Freakout

This article looks into a dog’s varied emotional states associated with doors and provides three strategies for training or managing a door-dashing pup to ensure they stay calm and safe By Karen Baragona If you come to my house, brace yourself. You walk up the stairs, ring the doorbell. Suddenly…the shrieking of a hundred banshees? Maybe an exorcism in progress? Or fiery-eyed, froth-mawed Cerberus guarding the gates of Hades? Nope. It’s my people-loving hound Huckleberry going freakshow crazy at the front door. Sometimes trainers’ own dogs can make people doubt our… Continued

Understanding Livestock Guardian Dogs

This article discusses the use of Livestock Guardian Dogs to protect livestock predation, with the aim of reducing and, ultimately, preventing a reliance on baiting, trapping and shooting of predators through the introduction of a more science-based approach and a better understanding of the breed By Erin Williams Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGDs) traditionally live alongside livestock in agricultural regions throughout the world. These dogs have been specifically bred to protect livestock from predation, and sometimes from stealing. Traditionally, and still to this day, they play a very important role in… Continued

Just Say No to Saying “NO!”

This article explains why shouting “NO” at your dog is ineffectual and counterproductive, and outlines what you can do instead By Karen Baragona It’s almost a reflex. There goes Rover, in hot pursuit of the cat, or gnawing on the sofa, or slurping at your dinner plate, or barking threats at squirrels…and we just need it to STOP, so we shout “NO!” Then one of several things happens: The behavior pauses for a split second, then resumes. Or, if you have a “soft” dog whose feelings are easily bruised, he’ll… Continued

Ensuring Quality of Life for Blind Dogs

This article sets out tips for how owners of blind dogs can ensure their canines get to live their best possible lives, with a focus on the needs of each individual dog By Deb Bauer The number one question that comes up when a dog becomes blind is whether the dog will have any quality of life. Whether a dog is born this way or develops blindness later in life, people are always very concerned about the dog being able to be happy and live a good life. Many people… Continued

A Beautiful Life with a Visually Impaired Dog

This interview features Lutz, Florida-based trainer Angelica Steinker explaining how she discovered that her new puppy Particle was visually impaired, and outlining the environmental and management adjustments she has made to ensure he can still live his life to the fullest By Susan Nilson Puppy parent, professional dog trainer, and agility and dock diving specialist Angelica Steinker, founder and president of the Courteous Canine in Tampa, Florida, found herself with an unexpected challenge when she realized her newly adopted border collie puppy, Particle, was having issues with his vision. Steinker… Continued

The Many Benefits of Using a Therapy Dog in Speech Language Pathology

This article explains how a speech language pathologist uses therapy dogs in her practice to help clients improve their interpersonal and communication skills, build self-esteem and self-worth, and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation By Dr. Jane Remington-Gurney Introduction In the literature of journal articles, news stories and websites, animals are often reported to have the ability to improve the well-being of people. Components of well-being include improved interpersonal and communication skills, sense of purpose and motivation, fine motor skills, strength and balance, self-esteem, and self-worth plus a reduction in… Continued

Examining Training Methods

This article delves into the differences of opinion regarding the philosophical approach and structure toward pet training and highlights the need for trainers – and pet owners – to be cognizant of what an animal is communicating, their emotional state, and to understand how and why they are reacting or responding to a specific situation or context By Susan Nilson and Niki Tudge Significantly, there is no consensus across the pet industry with regards to the suitability and appropriateness of the different best practice models. In 2012, the Pet Professional… Continued

How Your Donations Are Helping the Animals in Ukraine

By Dr. Marina Bayeva Dear Supporters, I am happy to bring you the latest update for the Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine fundraiser – both the big picture and the individual shelter updates. Highlights include: Animals finding new homes even during the war Expanding capacity by building new enclosures to take in even more animals Kitten and puppy season and the need for more spay/neuter access Delivering food all over Ukraine for animals on the streets, in home shelters, and beyond A brand new wood-burning stove to cook for… Continued

Rethinking Your Use of Canine Scent Knowledge and Skills

A few years ago, we hosted Dr. Robert Hewings from the UK College of Scent Dogs to present a couple of back-to-back workshops at our training business in Tampa, FL. One of these workshops was the five-day Canine Scent Instructor Certification workshop. To be honest, at the time I was eager to host Dr. Hewings and his business partner Karen for our membership, but scent training wasn’t something I was really into! I considered it a Canine Sport and given my time constraints and the fact that I already participated… Continued

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