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Chat & Chuckle with Joey Lusvardi of Class Act Cats

Join PPG Feline Division Chair Laura Cassiday and Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison, also with PPG’s Feline Division, as they chat and chuckle with Joey Lusvardi of Class Act Cats. Topics covered include: 🐈 How they each got started as cat behavior consultants 🐈 What sparked their career changes 🐈 Getting experience volunteering with rescues and shelters 🐈 Different courses available to help gain knowledge 🐈 The importance of networking and being a member of professional organizations like PPG 🐈 How to get your business set up and start taking your first clients… Continued

Welcome to Pets & Their People

Welcome to Pets and Their People – Your online tips, tools and resources! You’re busy. You really, really love your pets. So, where do you turn with day-to-day pet care challenges and questions: Can I feed this to my dog? Why does my horse do that? How do I find a reliable pet sitter? Why does my cat think that’s the litter box?? It’s okay – you got this and we’re here to help. We’re on a mission to provide resources and practical tips to pet people…with a dose of encouragement and humor! Our… Continued

Chat & Chuckle with Veronica Sanchez of Cooperative Paws Service Dog Education

Join PPG Founder and President Niki Tudge and Canine Division Chair Judy Luther as they chat and chuckle with Veronica Sanchez of Cooperative Paws Service Dog Education, a PPG Corporate Partner. Veronica shares information about her Service Dog Coach certificate program that is opening for enrollment on Tuesday, January 31, 2023. Enrollment for this program opens only twice per year, so don’t miss your opportunity to apply now! Other topics covered in this episode include: How Veronica got started training service dogs Options for acquiring a service dog or training a… Continued

PPG Member and Her Assistance Dog Let Down by Taxi Services

Uber is a taxi service that is accessible through an app. Within the app, you can book your driver and also let them know if you have an assistance dog. The idea is to help people easily access the most local driver and be assured that they can get to their destination, with their assistance dogs, in peace. However, some Uber drivers over the last five years have been refusing access to Ruby Welsford, a member of the Pet Professional Guild, and others (see below). It is illegal for Uber… Continued

Lorena Beatriz León-Patti Is Appointed Chair of PPG’s Inclusivity Division

  The Pet Professional Guild has appointed Florida-based dog trainer Lorena Beatriz León-Patti as chair of its Inclusivity Division with immediate effect. As chair of the Inclusivity Division, Lorena also takes a seat on PPG’s Steering Committee.    Click here to read more about Lorena and her new role as Inclusivity Division Chair.   Congratulations, Lorena!

PPG Advocacy Panel: What Do You Do When You’re the Only Force-Free Professional in Town?

Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on What Do You Do When You’re the Only Force-Free Professional in Town? Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format.   Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Division Chair Don Hanson   Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion: PPG Founder and President Niki Tudge, Debbie Sheridan, Kim Silver, Sue Kocher, Judy Luther and Beth Adelman.     Mentioned links: Advocating Together (article) PPG’s Guiding Principles   Listen to the Podcast here on… Continued

France Bans “Training” Devices That Cause Pain to Animals

On January 16, 2023, Members of Parliament in France voted to ban the “use on cats or dogs of any device that has an electrical charge, a looping collar which tightens without a restriction or which has spikes turned in towards the animal’s body.” Click here to read the full story. 

The Roles of Assistance Animals

The three types of assistance animals are Service animals: Dogs and miniature horses are trained to aid their handlers who have been diagnosed with medical or psychiatric disabilities and have received a prescription for a service animal. Therapy animals: Therapy animals (with their handlers) are trained to provide comfort and therapeutic interactions to people in need in a variety of settings, including hospitals, private therapy practices, retirement and nursing homes, schools and in the aftermath of disasters. Emotional support animals: Emotional support animals provide their handlers with comfort and support within their… Continued

PetSafe Shock Collars Falsely Touted as Safe, Dog Owner Alleges

There is a new legal filing in California.  It is a Class Action Against Radio Systems.  A new Class Action case has been filed in California. The lawyer we have spoken to over the last year has finally found a member of the public with legal standing. You can read more here as it has been picked up by Bloomberg Law. PPG is mentioned in the filing and our resources are cited. The complete legal filing can be found here  This is a consumer class action arising out of misrepresentations and… Continued

The PPG 2023 Summit Save The Date!

Homeward Bound – Transitioning Pets into Their New Homes Save The Dates Fun & Enriching Education for Pets & Their People Dates Nov 1-5, 2023, Arizona Humane Society 2023   Presentation Topics Homeward Bound  Matchmaking 101: Pairing the Right Pet With the Best Home Welcoming a New Pet: Reality, NOT “Reality TV” Look, Listen and Learn: Teaching People What Their Pets Are Telling Them Animal Husbandry: Top 10 Important Skills & Knowledge for Clients From Cautious to Confident: Fun and Games for Shy Pets AND Their People Simplifying Shaping Skills… Continued

Chat & Chuckle with Irith Bloom of The Sophisticated Dog

Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Division Chair Judy Luther to Chat & Chuckle with Irith Bloom. Irith is the owner of The Sophisticated Dog and offers virtual, online training for dogs and other pets. Enjoy listening as Niki, Judy and Irith share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format! Listen to the podcast on a choice of platforms here. Or simply click on the “play” button below. Recorded August 22, 2022

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