BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #12 – Animal Emotions and Their Importance in Understanding Behavior
Animal Emotions and Their Importance in Understanding Behavior Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Animal Emotions and Their Importance in Understanding Behavior. Pet guardians and pet professionals, we invite you to listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderators: PPG president Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther. Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: PPG Shelter & Rescue Committee chair K. Holden Svirsky, PPG Assistance Animal Committee representative Tracey Hagan, Aaron Jones of the PPG Inclusivity Committee, Linda Michaels, Dr. Kristina Spaulding, Dr. Zazie… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Debby Lucken of Kids Around Dogs
Join Niki Tudge and Rebekah King as they Chat & Chuckle with Kids Around Dogs (KAD). KAD is an award-winning association of Dog Professionals and Child Care Professionals who specialize in helping families with children to train their dogs and live in harmony together. Debby Lucken, the founder of KAD, has also designed a successful protocol to overcome the fear of dogs in kids, which all KAD Approved Members are qualified to use. Listen to the Podcast with Debby Lucken here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Toni Clarke of Well Done Charlie Dog Training
Join Niki Tudge and Rebekah King as they Chat & Chuckle with Toni Clarke of Well Done Charlie Dog Training, about how to develop and execute training plans to prepare pets to fly. Listen to the Podcast with Toni Clarke here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and click on the ‘Play’ icon below. Recorded July 19, 2022. About Toni Clarke Toni Clarke CTC, CSAT, VSA-CDT received her Certificate in Training and Counseling (CTC) from the elite Academy for Dog Trainers. She… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Annie Phenix of Phenix Dogs
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Annie Phenix of Phenix Dogs about reactive dogs and Annie’s new project and book, Positive Training for Aggressive and Reactive Dogs: Proven Techniques to Help Your Dog Recover from Fear and Anxiety and Enjoy Walks Calmly (available in November 2022). Annie is the author of The Midnight Dog Walkers published in 2016, and is a Certified Behaviourist and Family Dog Mediator. Listen to the Podcast with Annie Phenix here on your choice of platforms.… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Rosie Robinson of Wuf Design
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Rosie Robinson of Wuf Design in the UK about websites, lead generation, Google, and so much more. Rosie offers support from simple sites to full on e-commerce and has the digital solutions to ensure your business reaches the right customers. Listen to the Podcast with Rosie Robinson here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and click on the ‘Play’ icon below. Recorded July 11, 2022. About Rosie… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Barbara Hodel of Goodog Positive Dog Training
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Barbara Hodel of Goodog Positive Dog Training in Bayview, New South Wales, Australia about all things Teen Dog! All dogs (and humans) have to go through the teenage phase to reach the stability of adulthood. Some dogs breeze through this stage with barely a glitch, but most of us will have a challenging time. It is normal to sometimes feel despondent or disappointed because we thought we did everything right when they were puppies and now… Continued
Help the Animals in Ukraine – Inspiring Fundraiser Update
By Dr. Marina Bayeva Dear Supporters, I am happy to bring you the latest update for the Help Animals Survive the War in Ukraine fundraiser – both the big picture and the individual shelter updates. Highlights include: Animals finding new homes even during the war Expanding capacity by building new enclosures to take in even more animals Kitten and puppy season and the need for more spay/neuter access Delivering food all over Ukraine for animals on the streets, in home shelters, and beyond A brand new wood-burning stove to… Continued
BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #11 – The Top 10 Things We Can Do to Help Veterinarians Help Us Help Our Pets
The Top 10 Things We Can Do to Help Veterinarians Help Us Help Our Pets Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on the Top 10 Things We Can Do to Help Veterinarians Help Us Help Our Pets. Pet guardians and pet professionals, we invite you to listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderators: PPG president Niki Tudge and PPG Advocacy Committee chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: PPG Shelter & Rescue Committee chair K. Holden Svirsky, Kristi… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Mychelle Garrigan of Pet Pro Marketing
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Mychelle Garrigan of PPG corporate partner, Pet Pro Marketing. Pet Pro Marketing provides digital marketing services for pet care professionals including website design, audits and maintenance, search engine optimization, content creation/copywriting, and social media/digital marketing strategy. Listen to the Podcast with Mychelle Garrigan here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and click on the ‘Play’ icon below. Recorded June 10, 2022. About Mychelle Garrigan Through Pet Pro Marketing Mychelle Garrigan… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Dr. Kristina Spaulding of Science Matters Academy of Animal Behavior
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Kristina Spaulding of PPG corporate partner, Science Matters Academy of Animal Behavior. The trio discuss upcoming Research Bites topics and so much more. Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Kristina Spaulding here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and click ‘Play’ below. Recorded June 3, 2022. About Dr. Kristina Spaulding Dr. Kristina Spaulding operates Science Matters Academy of Animal Behavior, which opened its doors in 2001 and quickly… Continued
Because Dogs Are Cool!
PPG Member Profile featuring Pet Professional Guild member Chris Lopez-Santiago of Happy Tails Pet Care in Orlando, Florida Tell us a little bit about yourself, how you first got into animal behavior and training and what you are doing now… Honestly, getting into animal behavior was not something I thought I would ever do. I knew I always loved animals of all types. Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, fish, and even insects and arachnids are fascinating to me. I’d often watch Zak George on YouTube to learn how to teach… Continued
Ask the Experts: How to Run a Dog Training Business Online
This article provides guidance on how to move an in-person dog training business to an online dog training business By Veronica Boutelle Q: I’m at a turning point with my dog training business and just don’t know how to move forward. During lockdown I had to shift my services online and while it was daunting to begin with, I ended up really enjoying it. It allowed me to spend more time at home and less time driving for hours in the car, and the results with clients were… Continued
A Complete Guide to Equine Enrichment
This article presents multiple suggestions for providing enrichment to our horses, including food puzzles and games, different turnout options, opportunities for social interaction, environmental enrichment, and feeding options By Kathie Gregory Enrichment is a word that is becoming increasingly used to describe how we do more than provide welfare to our companion animals. Awareness of enrichment is very high in the dog world, and there are plenty of ideas and products that cater for the different breeds, traits, and personalities to ensure dogs have a wide variety… Continued
A Masterclass in Enrichment
This article reports on some of the wonderful work being done by the teaching staff and students at a New England Technical High School to ensure their resident birds and animals have an array of enrichment opportunities available to ensure mental stimulation By Sheila S. Blanchette As a professional certified parrot behavior consultant and trainer, I enjoy finding opportunities to improve my skills and also have a little fun along the way. As such, I volunteer at local animal rescues in my area and in doing so,… Continued
10 Steps for a Happy Office Dog
This article provides suggestions and advice for ensuring your dog feels safe and happy as an office dog, as well as pointing out the signs of stress to look out for By Chantal Hughes We know there is a link between happiness in the workplace and increased productivity. Findings from research coming out of Virginia Commonwealth University in the USA report that “[m]an’s best friend may make a positive difference in the workplace by reducing stress and making the job more satisfying for other employees.” (Barker et al., 2012). Great… Continued
BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #10 – Recognizing Microaggressions
Recognizing Microaggressions So They Can Be Managed and Avoided Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Recognizing Microaggressions So They Can Be Managed and Avoided Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderators: PPG president Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Valarie Ross, Aaron Jones (PPG Inclusivity Committee), co-chair of the PPG Feline Committee– Beth Adelman, Dr. Zazie Todd, and Dr. Eduardo Fernandez Listen to… Continued
Introducing Cats: Slowly Does It
By Patience Fisher There are many challenges for shelters in finding adoptive homes for cats. As an adoption counselor, I always found it disheartening to have a cat returned to the shelter for not getting along with the resident cats. During the adoption process, the concept of slow introductions was explained, but upon the cat’s return we often found out that the introduction process had been rushed. As a result, I saw a need for a very simple, short, how-to brochure for introducing a new cat to a resident… Continued
Exotic Animals and Shelter Awareness
By Lara Joseph As animal trainers and behavior consultants, our work can appear very appealing to pet owners and those who work with and take care of animals. What we demonstrate in our training is a very important tool we can use to educate the public about how our work is done, its impact on behavior and mental stimulation, and responsibility in animal care. Being an animal trainer and understanding applied behavior analysis, using it, and showing others how to use it is very important to me. My intention… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Molly Neher and Jennifer Kolar of Atlas Assistance Dogs
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Molly Neher and Jennifer Kolar of PPG corporate partner Atlas Assistance Dogs. Atlas Assistance Dogs states its mission as follows: “Atlas fundamentally expands access to assistance dogs. We support people with disabilities to train and certify their own service dog using positive, ethical training methods. At Atlas, we believe anyone who would benefit from a qualified assistance dog should be able to have one.” Listen to the Podcast with Molly and Jennifer here on your… Continued
The Aftermath of “Boot Camp”
By Amanda Ballard [At the time of writing] Kobe is an 18-month-old terrier cross, who is loved madly by his person, Lizzie. My private consultation session with them is the only one in 10 years that has moved me to tears, right there in front of the owner. It absolutely broke my heart to witness a dog displaying visible signs of anxiety, triggered by hearing very basic and commonly used verbal cues. Sadly, it would not be the last time I would witness this. There is no doubt about… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Dr. Em of Vet Med Corner
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Em of Vet Med Corner to discuss research based information on all things cats and dogs. Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Em on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and click ‘Play’ below. About Dr. Em Dr. Em of Vet Med Corner is veterinarian, looking to share research based information for anyone wanting to learn! Check out her YouTube channel, Vet Med Corner.
New Bird on the Block
By Vicki Ronchette Over the years I have introduced several parrots into my flock of companion birds. During this time I have found there are some things that should be done early on to help shape the bird into a good companion, while also giving him time and respecting his boundaries. I have talked to a lot of people who were disappointed that their new bird’s behavior changed after a couple of months in their home. Some people call this a “honeymoon period.” I do not use that term… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Dr. Marina Bayeva: How You Can Help the Fundraiser for Ukrainian Animal Shelters
The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) is supporting an important fundraiser for six animal shelters in Ukraine. In this podcast, we meet the fundraiser creator, Dr. Marina Bayeva, as well as supporting veterinarian Dr. Paula Klek and PPG’s Shelter & Rescue Division Chair K. Holden Svirsky. Find out all about how the funds raised are being used and hear inspiring stories about the animals left behind in Ukraine who are benefiting from your generous support. Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Marina on your choice of platforms. Or just stay… Continued
BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #9 – What Key Skills Should Pet Professionals Be Able to Demonstrate and Why?
What Key Skills Should Pet Professionals Be Able to Demonstrate and Why? Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on What Key Skills Should Pet-Professionals Be Able to Demonstrate and Why? Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Committee Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Sam Wike, PPG Canine Committee Chair Judy Luther, Dr. Kristina Spaulding, and Angel Rowe. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice… Continued
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