Chat & Chuckle with Sandra Grossmann of The Feline Consultant
Join PPG Feline Division Chair Laura Cassiday and Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison, also with the PPG Feline Division, as they chat and chuckle with Sandra Grossmann of The Feline Consultant about feline nutrition and feeding cats. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click the ‘Play’ button below. Recorded on November 18, 2022. Sandra Grossmann is a certified feline training and behavior specialist (CFTBS) through the Animal Behavior Institute and a Cat-Friendly certified veterinary assistant. Prior to working as a feline behavior and nutrition consultant, she worked… Continued
Pet Training and Behavior Consulting: Licensing vs. Industry Certification
This article is excerpted from the book, Pet Training and Behavior Consulting: A Model for Raising the Bar to Protect Professionals, Pets and Their People, authored by Niki J. Tudge, Susan J. Nilson, Debra A. Millikan and Louise A. Stapleton-Frappell (pp. 14-21). The book is available as a free download from DogNostics Career Center or in print from Amazon. According to Roth and Ramlow (2016), “Americans have always been rooted in the idea of economic freedom.” In other words, Americans tend to be of the belief that hard work… Continued
PPG Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #15 – Top Tips on How to Network and Spread the Mission
Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Top Tips on How to Network and Spread the Mission Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Division Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Aaron Jones of the PPG Inclusivity Division and PPG Shelter and Rescue Division, Linda Michaels, Kim Silver, Dr. Karolina Westlund and Monique Williams of the PPG Equid Division. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of… Continued
When Cat Guardians (and Their Cats) Are at the End of Their Rope, Bonnie Comes to the Rescue
Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself, how you first got into animal behavior and training and what you are doing now. A: I live in Missouri with my husband of 20 years along with two cats, one gerbil and some fish. I volunteer at Wayside Waifs, where I previously worked for nearly 11 years as their feline care manager. I helped develop behavior and socialization programs to help increase each cat’s chances of adoption. I also love dogs! I love to travel, and most recently we went to… Continued
Chat & Chuckle with Veronica Boutelle and Gina Phairas of dogbiz
Join PPG’s Kelly Fahey and PPG Canine Committee Chair Judy Luther as they chat and chuckle with Veronica Boutelle and Gina Phairas of dogbiz about their THRIVE! program. THRIVE! is an online program of dogbiz’s that provides group coaching and a supportive community to help R+ dog trainers and their businesses thrive. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click the ‘Play’ button below. Recorded on October 21, 2022.
Chat & Chuckle with Laura Cassiday of Pawsitive Vibes Cat Behavior and Training
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Feline Division Chair Laura Cassiday of Pawsitive Vibes Cat Behavior and Training as they chat about cat declawing, current legislation banning the procedure and ways to advocate for cats to keep their claws. Apologies in advance for some audio issues in this episode! Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click the ‘Play’ button below. Recorded on October 14, 2022.
PPG Inclusivity Division Meetup – Celebrating LGBT History Month & World Mental Health Day
Join hosts Niki Tudge and Lorena Patti of PPG’s Inclusivity Division as they celebrate LGBT History Month and World Mental Health Day (Oct. 10)! Featured guests are Lottie Bennett, Valarie Ross, Angel Rowe and Debbie Sheridan. Listen to the Podcast here on a choice of platforms. Or simply click the ‘Play’ button below. Recorded on October 24, 2022.
Scent Work Works for Shelter Dogs
Using scent work as part of enrichment programs in shelters can improve both welfare and adoption rates for dogs by Rachel Lane You’ve probably heard people say that when you adopt a shelter dog, you adopt problems and bring home headaches—or another version of the same sentiment. I have heard this far too often, and it always makes me sad. Yes, it is true that sometimes dogs in shelters do display behaviors that adopters label as undesirable, but there are also lots of amazing animals waiting for their forever homes.… Continued
Is It Time to Have a Business Meeting with Yourself?
by Veronica Boutelle If you’ve ever had someone say to you, “Oh, you’re a dog trainer? It must be so fun to play with puppies all day!” and had to take a very deep breath, we get it. Running your own business, especially one that requires complex behavior work and client support, is a lot. Whether you’ve just started out in the dog world or have decades of experience, long to-do lists seem to go with the territory. The exciting thing we’ve seen in our THRIVE! group coaching program is… Continued
BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #14 – Dog Safety: Should It Be Taught in Schools? Is There a Public Safety Concern?
Dog Safety: Should It Be Taught in Schools? Is There a Public Safety Concern? Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on Dog Safety: Should It Be Taught in Schools? Is There a Public Safety Concern? Pet guardians and pet professionals, listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Division Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Aaron Jones of the PPG Inclusivity Division and PPG Shelter and Rescue Division, Sam Wike, and Monique… Continued
Chat & Chuckle with Dr. Lisa Radosta of Florida Veterinary Behavior Service
Join Niki Tudge, PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther and BARKS Magazine editor-in-chief Paula Garber as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Lisa Radosta, owner of Florida Veterinary Behavior Service and co-owner of The Real Dog Nerds, about pets with behavior problems requiring a veterinary behaviorist, and what pet guardians can look for and do in preparation for and support of a veterinary behavior program for their pet. Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Lisa Radosta here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and… Continued
Meet a Dog Lover Who Pursued a Calling and Now Creates Wonderful R+ Transformations
In our ongoing series of PPG member profiles, BARKS features Aaron Jones of AJ’s Waggin’ Train in Katy, Texas Aaron is a member of PPG’s Inclusivity Division and Shelter and Rescue Division, and he also serves on PPG’s Advocacy Panel. Q: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, how you first got into animal behavior and training, and what you are doing now? A: I am a graduate of the Animal Behavior College where I earned my credential as a Certified Dog Trainer. I have had a love… Continued
Pet Professional Guild Announces 2023 Summit, Invites Proposals for Academic Sessions and Skill Labs
Event to take place at the Arizona Humane Society in Phoenix, November 1-5 INVERNESS, Fla. – Sept. 29, 2022 – The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) has announced that its 2023 Summit will take place November 1-5, 2023, at the Arizona Humane Society in Phoenix. The in-person event will also be livestreamed. “Connecting with other pet professionals and educating ourselves are vitally important to enabling us as human caretakers to provide animals with the best possible environment—one where they can thrive,” said Jennifer Dagnino, behavior and pet training manager at the… Continued
Ask the Experts: How to Break Up With a Client
by Veronica Boutelle Dear dogbiz, I pride myself on being able to work effectively with my clients, even when it’s tough. And generally, that’s what happens. Recently, however, I’ve been working with a new client and it’s become increasingly challenging. There have been some scheduling issues, which I’m happy to accommodate (within reason). But after canceling the last three sessions, they’ve also decided to return to punitive measures and equipment I don’t use or recommend. Despite recurring conversations, I just don’t feel they are able to get on board with… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Annie Phenix of Phenix Dogs
Join Niki Tudge as she Chats and Chuckles with Annie Phenix of Phenix Dogs about using emotion and connection in training, and much more! Annie’s new book, Positive Training for Aggressive and Reactive Dogs: Proven Techniques to Help Your Dog Recover from Fear and Anxiety and Enjoy Walks Calmly, will be available in November 2022. Annie is also the author of The Midnight Dog Walkers, published in 2016, and is a Certified Behaviourist and Family Dog Mediator. Listen to the Podcast with Annie Phenix here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Dr. Kristina Spaulding of Science Matters Academy of Animal Behavior
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee chair Judy Luther as they Chat and Chuckle with Dr. Kristina Spaulding of PPG corporate partner, Science Matters Academy of Animal Behavior about her new book, The Stress Factor in Dogs: Unlocking Resiliency and Enhancing Well-Being. Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Kristina Spaulding here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and click ‘Play’ below. Recorded September 9, 2022. About Dr. Kristina Spaulding Dr. Kristina Spaulding operates Science Matters Academy of Animal Behavior, which opened its doors in 2001 and quickly… Continued
BARKS Podcast with the PPG Advocacy Panel: Discussion #13 – What Is Management, and Can It Be Enough in Helping Pet Owners?
What Is Management, and Can It Be Enough in Helping Pet Owners? Join the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Advocacy Panel for a discussion on What Is Management, and Can It Be Enough in Helping Pet Owners? Pet guardians and pet professionals, we invite you to listen as panel members share their expertise in a fun, free-flowing format. Your Moderator: PPG Advocacy Division Chair Don Hanson Your Advocacy Panel for this discussion includes: Kristi Benson, Dr. Laura Donaldson, PPG Feline Division co-chair Beth Adelman, Monique Williams of the PPG Equid Division,… Continued
Chat & Chuckle with Irith Bloom of The Sophisticated Dog
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Division Chair Judy Luther to Chat & Chuckle with Irith Bloom. Irith is the owner of The Sophisticated Dog and offers virtual, online training for dogs and other pets. Listen to the Podcast with Irith Bloom here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and click on the “Play” icon below. Recorded on August 12, 2022 Irith (“ee-reet”) Bloom CPDT-KSA, CBCC-KA, CDBC, CSAT, KPA CTP, VSPDT, CBATI, FFCP (Trainer), VSDTA Faculty, DWA Faculty, Co-founder of Porter Labs… Continued
Sniff for Calm and So Much More!
Congratulations to Kris Whipple! This post won first prize in the 2022 Canine Scent Writing Competition. Of all the canine behaviors that I teach, calm is the most valuable. Calm dogs are less likely to bark, jump, mouth, lunge, pull or engage in other challenging behaviors that come with overexcitement. For me and my dog Sprig, an exuberant adolescent Cardigan Welsh corgi who thinks every day (and experience, dogand person) is his best day EVER, sniffing has become a positive and powerful tool I use daily to promote calm behaviors… Continued
A Note From Your New Editor
Hello! My name is Paula Garber, and I’m the new editor of BARKS from the Guild! I wanted to take a moment to say hello and introduce myself. I started my professional cat training and behavior consulting career in 2014, when I launched my business, LIFELINE Cat Behavior Solutions. Before studying animal behavior, I worked as a freelance editorial professional in the publishing and education industries for more than 25 years. I’ve been a proud member of the Pet Professional Guild since 2015 and was the chair of PPG’s Feline… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Dr Robert and Karen Hewings
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee Chair Judy Luther to Chat & Chuckle with Dr. Robert and Karen Hewings. Learn all about the upcoming PPG Scent Fest events: Your Scent & Scentability 3-Day Workshop Event – Scent Work for practical training and behavior solutions, Nov. 2-4, 2022 Beyond The Basics of Canine Scent – Introducing Advanced Detection & Handling Skills, Nov. 5-6, 2022 Discover what will be covered and how much fun it will be! Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Robert and Karen Hewings here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on… Continued
Why We Should Give Our Cats Choices
A PPG Member Profile featuring Pet Professional Guild Australia member, Andrea Carne of Cattitude in Cradoc, Tasmania Andrea Carne is a feline behavior consultant who owns and operates Cattitude in Cradoc, Tasmania, Australia Tell us a little bit about yourself, how you first got into animal behavior and training and what you are doing now? I was working as a vet nurse at an animal shelter and became interested in how the shelter animals could be happier if we tried to meet their behavioral needs. The certified… Continued
Ask the Experts: Children and Dog Training
This article provides advice on how to keep young children engaged in the family dog training process By Veronica Boutelle Q: Dear dogbiz, I love working with different clients and figuring out what best fits their learning style. Yet I always feel a bit stumped when working with young children! Recently I had a session with a family and their new puppy to address some biting and mouthing issues. While the children were excited to be there, they were easily distracted and I didn’t feel my explanations were really landing.… Continued
BARKS Podcast with Dr. Lisa Radosta of Florida Veterinary Behavior Service
Join Niki Tudge and PPG Canine Committee Chair Judy Luther to Chat & Chuckle with Lisa Radosta DVM DACVB. Dr. Radosta is the owner of Florida Veterinary Behavior Service, a specialty practice in southeast Florida and co-owns Dog Nerds, an online educational resource for guardians whose pets have behavior disorders. Listen to the Podcast with Dr. Lisa Radosta here on your choice of platforms. Or just stay on this page and click on the ‘Play’ icon below. Recorded on July 30, 2022. About Dr. Lisa Radosta Dr.… Continued
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