Since its inception in 2012, PPG has developed a number of Position Statements on key issues that we believe are central to the organization’s Guiding Principles. PPG does not maintain positions on areas of the pet industry that are not central to its purpose and goals. When members sign up to join PPG, they do so based on its stated Guiding Principles. These include the organization’s Vision, Mission and Values. All positions taken by PPG must represent the general membership and not subsets of that membership.
On occasion, and where deemed applicable, PPG also publishes statements for educational purposes in an Open Letter format. These Open Letters are intended for a wide audience and are published for a number of reasons:
- They are tools PPG members can use in their businesses to help them engage and educate partners, colleagues and clients on industry-relevant issues.
- They help focus a broad attention on important and relevant topics that PPG is taking action on through its nonprofit association status.
- They help start a wider discussion around important issues that are central to PPG’s Guiding Principles
Please feel free to share PPG’s Position Statements and Open Letters or cite from them in any academic, industry, or otherwise related publication. We ask only that you cite them correctly with a link back to the original on the PPG website.
Paraphrase Citation
Sample citation: Pet Professional Guild. (2016). Open Letter to Veterinarians on Referrals to Training and Behavior Professionals. Available at:
Use of Larger Portions of Text
A Text extract represents less than or equal to 400 contiguous words or less than one page of PPG content, excluding figures and tables. For permission to reuse larger extracts please contact PPG for prior approval and directions on how to accurately cite and link back to the PPG origionally owned work.
© Copyright 2012-2019 Pet Professional Guild. All rights reserved. If quoting any part of this article, please respect our copyright and attribute it to the Pet Professional Guild and include a link back to the original article on the PPG website.
Translating PPG’s Published Materials
- Permission to translate any of PPG’s published materials (position statements, open letters, resources, and website text), in whole or in part, requires prior written approval by PPG.
- Translations must be submitted to PPG at [email protected] for review and approval prior to publication or distribution.
- All translations of PPG’s published materials must cite and link back to the original on PPG’s website. Please contact us for instructions.
- Translations of complete PPG works (for example, an entire position statement or handout) must include PPG’s logo.
- PPG, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to use all translated materials, in whole or in part, as it deems fit and without compensation to the translator or submitter.

Showcasing Training Methods That Use Force, Fear or Pain – Position Statement

Breed Specific Legislation – Position Statement

Dominance Theory in Animal Training – Position Statement

Feline Declawing – Position Statement

PPG’s Pet Industry Education Mandate – Position Statement

The Importance of Puppy Socialization – Position Statement

The Use of Choke and Prong Collars – Position Statement

The Use of Pet Correction Devices – Position Statement

The Use of Shock – Position Statement

Pet Professional Guild Response to Joint Industry Code of Conduct – Position Statement